
Kidney Disease: How long does it take your kidneys to replenish the good stuff water takes out?

by Wm Jas

How long does it take your kidneys to replenish the good stuff water takes out?I'm trying to drink lots of water, but i dont want to flush my kidneys and cause myself harm. i know i need electrolytes, which is in gatorade.. but for the time being i don't have any.

so my question is, how much water can i drink before i cause harm? and what are some other ways to get electrolytes?

Posted by Sweetener
water is better than gatorade, and electrolytes are just salt... and you get that from food, adding for salt will cause you to become dehydrated and bloated

have a banana, they also have the electrolyte potassium

Posted by silverbullet
Can't give an accurate answer due to insufficient information.

Hyponatremia is typically a problem for endurance athletes who sweat out significant amounts of sodium during long races or training session, while drinking large amounts of plain water for hours at a time.

For someone just walking around, you need to drink enough water to to keep your pee just slightly yellow. You almost certainly get enough replacement electrolytes in your normal diet for this level of water intake.

How much water? You need to figure that out for yourself because it will be all over the map depending on your sweat rate, activity level and environmental conditions. It can change a lot from one day to the next. Sitting in an air conditioned office, I might get by with a quart or two a day. During an Ironman triathlon, I go through several gallons of water, gatorade, coke, broth, whatever.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Learn basic information on kidney disease from the experts at Kidney Disease Info Blog.

Orignal From: Kidney Disease: How long does it take your kidneys to replenish the good stuff water takes out?

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