
Is anyone familiar w/ leg and/or hip pain possibly related to kidney failure/disease?

Is anyone familiar w/ leg and/or hip pain possibly related to kidney failure/disease?My father is diagnosed w/ kidney disease(for approx. 6 yrs). For some time now he has had trouble walking for long periods of time without his leg or hip bothering him. He actually must quickly find a seat or somewhere to rest his legs. This can be no more than 5 minutes or so of standing or walking. He also leans heavily to the right side when he walks. And he won't follow up and get this checked out at the doctor. I was just wondering if anyone had or knows of someone with a similar experience?
He is on dialysis 3x/week.

Posted by Luckyinlove22
I know when I had ESRD (end stage renal disease) I had bloating in my legs which caused some heaviness on my legs when I walked.. that could really be the only thing I could think of that would make it seem related.

Posted by DeCaff
You didn't say if your father is on dialysis. Regardless, there is a disease called "renal osteodystrophy" related to kidney failure.

When the kidneys don't function properly, there is an imbalance of calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D in the bones. This can make them brittle and weak, and they may hurt.

Look at these websites:




Please encourage your father to go to the doctor for help. To my knowledge, there are supplements/medications that can help.

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Learn basic information on kidney disease from the experts at Kidney Disease Info Blog.

Orignal From: Is anyone familiar w/ leg and/or hip pain possibly related to kidney failure/disease?

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