
Kidney Disease: Can my ex use my health issues to help him take custody?

Can my ex use my health issues to help him take custody?My ex did not do anything to have a relationship with our child for 4 years. About a yr. ago he started playing every nasty trick in the book, including putting false charges against me. He got married about a yr. ago & apparently the wife wants an insta child. He is over 30k in arrears in cs. He's now filed in civil court not for visititaiton but SOLE custody claiming I'm unfit but with NO specifics. I'm a GOOD MOM! I've go school admin & many friend s& family who will attest to me being a good mom & my husband is a wonderful step dad. Anyway, I have major surgery coming up & I do have a chronic kidney disease but these things DO NOT keep me from doing whatever our daughter needs. I just want to know if he can sucessfully use this info. (if he learns it) to take her away. She does NOT even know him or his wife & is very happy where she is....

Posted by Jane S
Get a good lawyer. Should he be able to use your medical stuff against you to take your kids? NO!!!!! So long as you are still able to provide them with a stable and supportive home life.

If what you say is true: that he has had no contact (by his choice), has not paid child support and you can prove his prior accusations are false, then I don't think you have to much to worry about.

Posted by dreamteam
It is very hard for a man to get SOLE cust. but i know it is differant in every state. There are alot of fathers rights groups out there that will help him, but they will also tell him if he has no shot. Do you think hes just talking out his ***, and trying to scare you. I believe you would have to be proven unfit, for him to get SOLE, and that doesn't sound like that will happen. The surgery should have nothing to do with this, unless it will disable you from caring for your daughter.But a kidney disease shouldn't affect you from taking care of her, once you have healed.
My ex also did this. he was calling dcfs and claimimg all sorts of crazy things, every time they came out to see the kids they were unfounded accusations. They finally started to listen to me, figuring out that he was just trying to cause trouble, and they told him that if it happened again they would press charges on him!
Find a good lawyer honey, and try not to worry to much. It's not good for you to be stressing out.
I know it's scary, but fight. I know i did, and i won!!!I was only blessed with one daughter and i wasn't going to let him take her away from me!! Good luck & God Bless

Posted by Maggie
I would think not. When I was going through my divorce our daughter was 13 years old. I had some mental health issues that I was under doctors care for but my ex-husband tried everything he could to get custody stating I was mentally unfit. He actually was the one that made me that way. Anyway, I had a pretty good attorney and it worked out OK for all three of us. It takes alot nowadays to prove you are an unfit parent for any reason. I wish you luck and good health.

Posted by sstubbs30
Sounds like he wants custody so he doesn't have to pay the support seeing how he is so far in the hole with the child support as it is. I do believe he can use your health issues. Get a good lawyer.

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