
Lupus.. what is it?

Lupus.. what is it?I just got back from the clinic and am a slight bit worried now.
I went in for back pains, during this he asked if I had other problems so I mentionned my reynolds. He then asked me if there's history in my family with clots (my grandma does), if I've had kidney disease, I've had kidney infections (disease I wouldn't know?), if I've had unexplained rashes.. well right there I had a rash on my neck, I had no idea, he's the one who saw it. He asked if I had a history of psychiatric problems.. I have had severe depression along with some great insomnia in the past. He asked other things that I can't remember anymore.. the only thing that didn't fit, which was mainly why I came in, was if my lungs were inflamed.. What was wrong was my muscle behind the shoulder blade was inflamed hurting when I would breathe.
Ok so, now that he's gone through all that and only 1 out of all symptoms he's asked don't fit... what??
I don't really know what lupus is safe for what I've just googled..
I know he can't diagnose based on history alone. He asked me a series of questions that made him think it's possible. Although, it didn't go much farther then his questions. Now what I wanted to know was the symptoms/how to get diagnosed. Basically, where would I go for help on this. I don't have my own doc so I'm kind of on my own.
It had me concerned as many of the symptoms of lupus are similar to things that are happening with me. It's not to say I have it and don't wish to, I'm wanting to get informed.

Posted by psychobabi
My step-brother has lupus as well as his mother, and so does my mother-in-law. I don't know exactly what it can do to you but I know that it is a serious disease. It causes some kind of rash on the skin, hair loss, depression, joint problems and other problems. Lupus pretty much makes your body attack itself. I don't remember much of his mother because we were young, but I do know that she did not take care of her lupus well and it caused a lot of complications resulting in her death.

Look at this site, it may explain a lot.

Posted by screamingfreedom
I really do not understand from your question where lupus came into the discussion. Lupus is not diagnosed buy a doctor going over your medical history alone. Some of the things you mention can be seen in lupus patients.

The American Rheumatism Association developed a list of symptoms used to diagnose Lupus. Research supports the idea that people who have at least four of the eleven criteria (not necessarily simultaneously) are extremely likely to have Lupus. The criteria are:

* Butterfly rash
* Discoid rash
* Photosensitivity
* Mouth ulcers
* Arthritis
* Inflammation of the lining of the lungs or the lining around the heart
* Kidney damage, as noted by the presence of protein or other abnormal substances called casts in the urine
* Seizures or psychosis
* The presence of certain types of anemia and low counts of particular white blood cells
* The presence of certain immune cells, anti-DNA antibodies, or a falsely positive test for syphilis
* The presence of antinuclear antibodies.

As to your question what is lupus.

Lupus is an autoimmune disease. This means that a persons immune system is attacking their own body.

Lupus is one of the more serious autoimmune disease. It can be mild with few symptoms or it can attack almost every system in the body.

Lupus manifests as a chronic inflammatory connective tissue disease marked by skin rashes, joint pain and swelling, inflammation of the kidneys, inflammation of the fibrous tissue surrounding the heart (i.e., the pericardium), as well as other problems. Not all affected individuals display all of these problems.


Posted by Linda R
Lupus is difficult to diagnose because there are no definitive lab tests for it. A diagnosis is made based on symptoms, medical history and a variety of lab tests AND after other disease are ruled out. This takes time.

Lupus patients often have pain on deep breathing. That is pleurisy. Lupus kidney disease is not the same as kidney infections. Lupus kidney disease results in a good amount of protein in the urine and has no real symptoms until you are in deep trouble.

Some lupus patients have antiphospholipid antibody syndrome-one or several clotting factors that make them prone to blood clots, strokes, and heart attacks. It can be diagnosed by a blood test.

To learn about lupus go to www.lupus.org. There is plenty of good information there. In the mean time, please understand that lupus imitates a lot of other medical conditions.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Learn basic information on kidney disease from the experts at Kidney Disease Info Blog.

Orignal From: Lupus.. what is it?

1 comment:

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