Please help me find out what's wrong with me!?I am 37 years old. I was diagnosed with stage 3 chronic kidney disease. Lately, I've been feeling very fatigued and trouble urinating, which I can attribute to my kidney disease, but I've been having other problems too and I just wanted to know if what's been happening to me lately is related to my kidneys. I've been getting very bad headaches, my feet are swelling up to almost 2x the normal size. I've been having abdominal pain on both my right and left sides about 5 inches to the left and right of my belly button. I have extremely high blood pressure, and for the past 3 weeks or so, I've been vomiting and very nauseous, and occasionally vision problems. I don't have the money to go to my doctor and I can't afford insurance. I don't know but I guess I'm hoping that some doctors like Yahoo Answers ;)
Posted by Grogling
I am sorry but it is very likely that all of this is connected to the kidney problem. You need to get medical help before the condition worsens.
The kidneys help get rid of fluids and toxins from the body. If this isn't happening, you get fluid retention which can cause feet swelling and possible increased blood pressure. The toxins will create nausea, vomiting and other problems.
Is there any way you could get free health care from an emergency medical facility? I am in the UK where we are spoilt with the NHS. You really need medical help and treatment. I truly hope you can get it somehow.
Posted by Trystyn
im so sorry that's awful
Posted by Peter
I agree with Grogling and I too hope you can get the help you need.
Posted by Youngman
This is not a game. Their are no doctors on this site. You need to go to a fucin doctor NOW beforey ou die. Kidney failure cna happen then your heart stops then you die within seconds. GET TO A HOSPTIAL NOW AND SIGH FOR CHAIRTY CARE if you don't have money or inssurance. You might die if you wait any longer. better safe than sorry
Posted by House825
I have been in kidney failure myself.
You need to get this checked on. It sounds like you need dialysis, and this is a medical emergency. An ER cannot turn you down for this. Other options are arranging a payment plan in advance with your doctor; looking into free clinics or govt assisted clinics where you pay what you can. However, you don't need to wait and mess around with this. It will not go away on its own.
I work for a dr's office, and we often set up payment plans.
And if you are on dialysis, most legal US citiznens get Medicare. It does not depend on your age. There is a special Medicare program for people with kidney failure.
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Video Rating: 5 / 5 Learn basic information on kidney disease from the experts at Kidney Disease Info Blog.
Orignal From: Please help me find out what's wrong with me!?
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