Did you know that marijuana kills cancer cells?Did you know that marijuana kills cancer cells? It actually causes them to eat themselves in a process called "autophage".
Also, instead of killing brain cells, it actually promotes the growth of new brain cells?
Cancer Studies:
THC (marijuana) helps cure cancer says Harvard study
Marijuana Chemical May Fight Brain Cancer
Active Component In Marijuana Targets Aggressive Brain Cancer Cells, Study Says
Did you know the government knew about it in 1974?
Did you know that the cannabinoid receptor is the most prevalent cellular receptor in our brains?
This mystery began to unravel in 1964, when tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, the main psychoactive chemical in cannabis was isolated and synthesized by Raphael Mechoulam and colleagues in Israel. Subsequently, in 1988, Allyn Howlett and colleagues discovered the cannabinoid receptor in the brain. This receptor called CB1was a precise match for the unique chemicals called cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant (phytocannabinoids). This initial discovery led to scientists hypothesizing that humans are "wired" for cannabis. The CB1receptors have been found in the brain in areas that control the coordination of movement, emotions, memory, reduction of pain, reward systems, and reproduction, yet are almost absent in the brain stem (which affects our vital functions such as breathing). It appears that cannabinoid receptors, which modulate other neurotransmitter function in a retrograde "on demand" fashion are present in far higher concentrations in the brain than any other receptor. While the CB1 receptors are primarily found in the central nervous system, a second type, CB2, discovered in 1993, are found primarily in the immune system, GI tract, liver, spleen, kidney, bones, heart, and peripheral nervous system. In fact, the CB2 receptor appears to be up-regulated whenever there is tissue pathology.
What do you think about this?
Is it true?
Did the government know?
What do you think about that?
Did you know that the government actually has the patent on medical marijuana... for use in fighting diseases such as cancer, Crohn's disease, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease and more?
And yet they repeatedly say that there is "no medical use" for marijuana.
Look it up. U.S. Patent #6630507
A video everyone should watch...
The reason I make the claims I do is based on my research into the subject. If you want "proof" that the THC in marijuana kills cancer cells, all you have to do is go to www.pubmed.gov and type in "cannabinoids" and "cancer" into the search bar. Literally hundreds of studies will come up. Or you can go to google and type in "THC kills cancer cells" and you'll also see what I'm talking about.
Here are just a few....
The reason t
The reason they do studies is to find a result. In every study I've found, the result is that THC kills cancer cells... or more correctly, causes the cancer cells to eat themselves. Now, I don't know in your world how many studies are required to prove something... but to me it's been proven as an effective treatment for cancer.
Now, maybe you don't like my sources, but unfortunately the main stream media will not touch this story. In case you don't already know, our media in the U.S. is controlled... all of it... by 4 or 5 major corporations that don't want to upset the status quo. Essentially we have state controlled media, and the government doesn't want you to know about the medical effects of mj. They are well paid by the current medical-industrial complex.
Also, you said, "Claims that a single substance can cure anything from cancer to weight problems to insomnia have to be regarded with suspicion at best, no?"
And I have regarded them with suspicion. That's why I've been doing nothing except looking into this for the past month or so. What did I find out?
The main psychoactive chemical in cannabis was isolated and synthesized by Raphael Mechoulam and colleagues in Israel. Subsequently, in 1988, Allyn Howlett and colleagues discovered the cannabinoid receptor in the brain. This receptor called CB1was a precise match for the unique chemicals called cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant (phytocannabinoids). This initial discovery led to scientists hypothesizing that humans are "wired" for cannabis. The CB1receptors have been found in the brain in areas that control the coordination of movement, emotions, memory, reduction of pain, reward systems, and reproduction, yet are almost absent in the brain stem (which affects our vital f
(which affects our vital functions such as breathing). It appears that cannabinoid receptors, which modulate other neurotransmitter function in a retrograde "on demand" fashion are present in far higher concentrations in the brain than any other receptor. While the CB1 receptors are primarily found in the central nervous system, a second type, CB2, discovered in 1993, are found primarily in the immune system, GI tract, liver, spleen, kidney, bones, heart, and peripheral nervous system. In fact, the CB2 receptor appears to be up-regulated whenever there is tissue pathology.
These discoveries of the cannabinoid receptors, endocannabinoids and the related enzymes make up what is now called the endocannabinoid system and it seems to be essential in most if not all physiological systems. The endocannabinoid system is essential to life and it relates messages that affect how we relax, eat, sleep, forget and protect as noted by the Italian researcher, Vincenzo Di Marzo.
In my words... the endocannabinoid system controls many of your bodily functions... and is in most of your vital organs... which is why mj is good for so many ailments. It actually mimics the functions of your bodies own chemistry in all of these organs. For example, in colon cancer studies they found that the people who have colon cancer have these CB receptors turned off in their colon. The researchers found that in human colon cancer cells, the gene that makes the receptor is blocked by a process called methylation, in which a small chemical group is added to the DNA.
Treating the cells
Treating the cells with decitibine - a demethylating drug already approved for use in humans - removed the chemical group and the gene began making the receptor. They mentioned that by treating the cells with decitibine and following up with cannabis would work to reduce the cancer growth.
I've seen video diaries of skin cancer being removed by cannabis oil only a few weeks. I've seen 3rd degree burns heal up in just a few days using cannabis oil. I've chatted with people who were cured of cancer from hemp oil. I've talked to AIDS patients who have had their T-cell count cut in half by ingesting cannabis oil.
I've been convinced. Maybe you haven't. Maybe that's my job. To convince as many people as possible to consider the possibilities... instead of just blowing them off as the rantings of a pissed off stoner who just wants to get high legally. Guess what? I don't care if it's legal for that reason. I want it legal to use as medicine.
Maybe you don't like my methods of spreading the word, but I didn't start looking into this because I read somewhere that "synthetically produced THC might kill cancer cells in small rodents a study in Spain says". I started looking into it because someone said Rick Simpson cures cancer with marijuana. (I haven't gone that far yet, if you'll notice.)
And about the medical industry... you're right... they are after profits. And they can't make anywhere near as much profit from a plant that anyone could grown in their house that CURES a disease as they can by treating the symptoms of the disease over your entire life with expensive pharmaceuticals.
Posted by ♥L;
Posted by raquel
yes yes yes blaze up lol
Posted by pandabear23
i thought that was the point of MEDICAL marijuana
Posted by Gary Y
That's great news if you're a LAB RAT. Come back to us when you find some HUMAN studies. You can't extrapolate positive results from rats and mice directly to humans.
Furthermore, none of these studies looked at smoking marijuana, they were THC by injection.
Posted by lo_mcg
You keep asking the same question, so I'll keep giving the same answer.
What you a linking to and claiming as proof are STUDIES; studies are not proof, they suggest possibilities for further research. Those carrying them out and presenting the results don't claim them as proof; yet you feel able to do so. Example: the first study you link to. The report's title: 'Marijuana might cause new cell growth in the brain. MIGHT. Your claim? 'it actually promotes the growth of new brain cells' See the difference? And your question says 'marijuana kills cancer cells'; none of the studies you link to makes that claim.
There have been interesting studies, some of which merit further research in my opinion. But so far there is no proof that marijuana is in any way effective against cancer.
The research carried out at Complutense University and the University hospital of Tenerife is particularly interesting, with some promising results; but as I pointed out to you before, this research was into into the use of chemical cannabinoids to help treat ONE particular sub-type of ONE type of cancer, and involved only 9 patients.
The researchers don't claim their findings as conclusive proof; yet you feel able to make that claim for them
There's no suggestion in any of this research that marijuana can either treat or prevent cancer; the research has been done using man-made chemicals that mimic the compounds found in cannabis, rather than unpurified marijuana.
If you were presenting these studies as interesting research and possible evidence, that would be a valid point. But you're claiming them as proof positive, and in the Cancer section you've called all those who point to the lack of conclusive evidence 'clueless and closed-minded',
There is some evidence that marijuana is a risk factor for testicular cancer.
As for Rick Simpson, named in the title of the video you link to, I've watched his Run From the Cure more than once, and find it less than convincing. Claims that a single substance can cure anything from cancer to weight problems to insomnia have to be regarded with suspicion at best, no?
RFTC features several unsubstantiated testimonials - no way of knowing if these people had ever had the conditions they claimed, and certainly no way of knowing if they'd been 'cured'.
But I'll accept they had those conditions. And as I've had cancer, the ones who'd had cancer were the ones to whom I paid most attention. And you know what? - they'd all had conventional treatment, but had chosen to credit the hemp oil with the improvement in their condition.
This often happens with alternative treatments and cancer - a patient has chemo and feels crap, because chemo makes you feel crap. After the chemo is over, s/he takes some 'alternative' medicine; soon s/he begins to feel better. Well, that's no surprise, you do begin to feel better when chemo is over. But s/he chooses to give the credit for feeling better, and for subsequent improvements in her/his condition, to the unproven alternative rather than to the conventional treatments.
As I said, less than convincing
You clearly think marijuana's effect on cancer has been suppressed in the interests of profit, perhaps in the belief that a natural substance can't be patented?.
In fact it's common for synthetic derivatives to be made that are an improvement on the original, and it's also common to get patents on the methods of isolating or administering the substance.
So even if a drug company couldn't make money directly from hemp oil or marijuana, if either were effective they could make plenty of money and get plenty kudos from developing a safer, more effective derivative. The chemotherapy drug Taxol is derived from yew, and the research into cannabinoids and cancer has all been done using man-made chemicals that mimic the compounds found in cannabis.
If hemp oil and marijuana had been proven effective against cancer, pharmaceutical companies would be all over them. But so far they haven't, so drug companies don't bother with them. They're after profits, after all
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Orignal From: Kidney Disease: Did you know that marijuana kills cancer cells?
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