Doctors only , is it possible for a "non smoker" to develop?1 arteries problem (yes/no)
2 heart attacks(yes/no)
3 renal failure(yes/no)
4 strokes(yes/no)
5 peripheral vascular disease (yes/no)
6 impotency. (yes/no)
7 lung cancer (yes/no)
8 cancer of the oral cavity, (yes/no)
9 pharynx, (yes/no)
10 larynx,(yes/no)
11 esophagus, (yes/no)
12 bladder,(yes/no)
13 stomach, (yes/no)
14 cervix, (yes/no)
15 kidney and
pancreas, (yes/no)
16 acute myeloid leukemia(yes/no)
If the answer is yes, then why people relate it too much with smoking??
Just curious to know
Posted by mt_ski
yes to all.
People who smoke have a greater chance of getting many of the above.
Posted by I AM COOL
Because the rate of occurrence is far higher in smokers.
Posted by bratbrat2727
I am not a doctor but I would still love to give my opinion to your question. Yes to all of the above question. Because people who smoke are more apt to become ill. Insurance companies end up paying the medical bills or the state ends up paying the medical bills. By relating it to smoking and trying to get the patience to quit it will save the insurance companies and the tax payers money. I honestly believe that everyone have a gene in there body for cancer and what it does is lay dormant. If the gene decides that it wants to become active that is when your body develops cancer. Now the reason I believe this is I do know several people who do not smoke and have never smoked in there life but have developed cancer and have died from it. Thank you for allowing me to express my opinion.
Posted by corvato
1-16 ALL YES
why relate it to smoking? because the rates of almost all of the above multiply greatly with smokers compared to non-smokers.
Orignal From: Doctors only , is it possible for a "non smoker" to develop?
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