Blood test results? Is my doctor overlooking something? Please help?!?!?!?!?Well over the past year ive been really tired so finally i got up the courage to get a blood test done. Me being tired and sleeping excessively has started to really affect my grades and attendance at school, i couldnt overlook it anymore. so i just got my results back showing only 9 for vitamin D!!! range usually 30 to 100! My doctor just told me to take vitamins. BUT This is what is really bothering me, my levels for Creatinine is low 0.4 , norm being 0.6 to 1.0, and Aspartate Amino Transferase VEry low 13, norm 15 to 37. alanine aminotransferase also low. Could i have liver or kidney disease or something else? when i was little there was thought to be urine in my blood during a physical, but they did another test and then there wasnt. Does anyone know anyhting about this! im only 18 but i dont want to overlook anything.. my doctor told me to take vitamins, she wont talk over the phone to me about the other stuff either :(
also just seen on results that Blood Urea Nitrogen is 8 , norm range 7 to 18, thats kinda low too
Posted by Katie
You should get a second opinion from a different doctor.
Posted by treegirl
CELIAC'S DISEASE. I had a very similar situation, my numbers were almost identical to yours. Get tested for celiac's disease, it occurs 1 in every 133 people and of the people that have it, 97% dont know it. My diagnosis changed my LIFE; I graduated highschool with a 2.0 gpa, got diagnosed the summer before college and I graduated college with a 3.8. It is definitely worth getting checked for.
Posted by Mar S
Please be aware that some of the lab values are not TRUE measurements but calculations and so if one variable is lower and so is the other it may make the other measurements a bit low.
Personally, I am not concerned about your other labs since there are so many factors that can affect results - like how hydrated your were, fasting vs. non-fasting, and many labs are for the "average person" but there is some leeway. AAT at 13 and you consider it VERY low?
Another example is the temperature of a person-- thought to be 98.6 but that is an AVERAGE of many people and if you have taken statistics......or look it up on the computer--- the average of 100 and 200 is can be quite a wide variance between things.
If you don't feel confident with your doctor ask more questions and then if you still want-- get a second opinion or follow up at a later date.
Alot to things can cause being of them stress and abnormal sleep patterns......which I have but manage with stress management and pick my battles and make QUALITY sleep a priority. So, I manage with lifestyle..........
So try and eat healthy, get rest, try yoga or meditation and follow up with your healthcare professional.
Posted by abijann
Because of the Privacy laws, the doctor would
not be able to discuss your personal information
over the phone...They normally would set up another
appointment for you to see them.
No one blood testing is 100% accurate. The doctor
may have taken this test and compared them to
others they had done before....or he may do more
testing in the future. Labs also have different
reference ranges for what they believe to be the normal
range of the blood work. Your results are not seriously
low...only mildly low.
You can get Vitamin D from milk products and being
in the sunlight at least 15 minutes at a time during the
Considering we do not have all the test results from the
entire blood work..I would say to be checked for
anemia or thyroid problems. A person who doesn't
get enough nourishment from foods, can also have
low counts. To be healthy you need vitamins and
minerals from good foods. The liver makes some
proteins in the body, but other certain types can only be
gotten from the foods we eat. Protein in the foods
help us heal, it is what helps make the membrane
of each cell in our body and it is also used for
energy when needed.
I would make another appointment with the doctor,
after taking vitamins and eatting well and see if this
does help. If not, I then would ask for some of
the tests I mentioned or for a second opinion.
Hope this information is of some help to you.
Best wishes
Posted by YokelRidesAgain
The blood test indicates a relative deficiency of vitamin D. This is extremely common in young people in winter, particularly the farther north you go. The reason is that exposure to sunlight is required for the natural production of the active form of vitamin D. It is probably a good idea to take a vitamin D supplement at 1000 international units/day.
The rest of the laboratory tests are normal. An elevated creatinine is indicative of impaired kidney function. Elevated AST and ALT values can indicate liver or muscle disease. Low values are usually of no clinical significance.
The "normal" ranges for laboratory tests are ranges: 95% of the normal, healthy adult population will have values within those ranges. Five percent of normal, healthy adults will have a value outside of that range. If one has 20 lab tests done, one's odds of having at least one result out of the normal ranges are well over 50%. In your case, the labs are probably on the low side because you are young and healthy--for example, the creatinine is a marker of impaired clearance by the kidneys. Your kidneys are very healthy and are functioning at an optimal level.
Orignal From: Blood test results? Is my doctor overlooking something? Please help?!?!?!?!?
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