
Anyone have/had a dog with chronic kidney failure? Advice?

Anyone have/had a dog with chronic kidney failure? Advice?My dog has been diagnosed with chronic kidney failure disease- is the best thing to do - to just put her down?

Posted by Bozema
This is a case to work with your vet. It depends on how advanced it is and how quickly it is advancing. In many cases where it is early on, there are things you can do to slow its progression and the dog can live comfortably for quite awhile. This is where you have to have a good relationship with your vet.

Posted by A. Wray (visiting w/ family)
My mothers dog (my childhood dog, that I couldn't get back from her), was diagnosed with a slow progressing form of kidney failure. She did have several complications in the 2 years after her diagnosis and before she passed away, one of which was cardiomegaly or enlargement of the heart that caused her quite a bit of breathing and circulation issues.. which unfortunately was what caused her to pass away one day in my mom's arms. My parents work from home, so she was with them everywhere they went 24/7, and that is the only reason the vet did not advocate her being put down (that and her diagnosis was more of a reduced filtration capacity than complete failure when diagnosed)--she had constant care and supervision.

Talk with your vet as to what they would recommend and what the quality of life of your dog will have both immediately and in the months/years to come. Also about the rate of the disease progression and the amount of filtration capacity the dog has already lost--Missy (my mom's dog) was diagnosed VERY early before she was in complete failure.

I'm very sorry to hear about this devastating news, even if you do have to put her down, know it is best for her if the vet recommends it. She will be in less pain and not go through some of the complications that are associated with this disease.

Posted by Máire Siobhán
Sorry about your dog. I have had cats who developed this. Your dog maybe is old, I'm guessing? I always say that if nothing else gets our pets, this eventually will.

Yes, if you dog is in chronic kidney failure, the kindest thing you can do is ease her out of this life, and her distress.

If she was human, she would go on dialysis at this point. Having kidneys that no longer do their job makes her feel very very bad. She's slowly being poisoned by an accumulation of her own waste in her systems.

It's hard to take her in and have her put down, but you need to do it. You can have some time with her, and then you can stay with her till the end. The vets are very good with helping you through this. They understand. It's a very quick and very peaceful end for her vs. letting her be ill. Usually they can't hold their head up, they vomit. Don't put her through that. Do the kind thing. I'll be thinking of you.

Best regards.

Posted by winterrules
I've been through this twice with my dogs. I've heard of people putting their dogs through dialysis but I couldn't see the point of spending all that money to keep a dog alive a few more months and prolonging the agony. Your dog will deteriorate pretty quick. At some point you will be faced with putting her down. It sucks.

Posted by Nikodemus99
No. Not unless she is very old or in the last stages of the disease.
There are lots of alternative therapies which can provide help and prolong life or even cure the condition in some cases. Diet is especially important.
Here's a link which might help:

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Orignal From: Anyone have/had a dog with chronic kidney failure? Advice?

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