Question about blood pressure and kidney damage?A few days ago I went to the hospital for food poisoning. I was dehydrated from fever and diarrhea and had a dull ache in the area of my left kidney. Upon being admitted they found that my blood pressure was extremely high and that I had the beginning of kidney failure.
I had seen my own doctor two months before and he checked my BP. It was elevated, but in the normal range. I have no history of high blood pressure.
Is it possible that there is something wrong with my kidney and it drove my blood pressure up or is it possible that the food poisoning made my blood pressure shoot up? The food poisoning seems to have passed, but the ache in the kidney area is still there.
Posted by Rob W
On your labs, the "beginning of kidney failure," was probably an elevated BUN / Creatinine.. which could have been a result of dehydration. These are elevated when your body doesn't have enough free water in it, such as when you have a long bout of diarrhea / vomiting.
You should get the labs re-checked.
But having high blood pressure also can lead to kidney failure after a long time, so you should definitely get that controlled a little better, whether by diet/exercise, or medications.
Finally, to make things more confusing.. kidney disease can also cause elevated blood pressure, such as in renal artery stenosis, or a number of glomerulonephropathies.
Posted by Vyas
The kidneys play a very important role in regulating blood pressure, it releases a hormone called renin which assists in increasing the blood pressure.
I'd suggest since you have elevated BP related to the kidneys I'd suggest ACE inhibitors such as elanapril or catopril. Ask your physician though. Go 4 a urine analysis to determine the real problem with ur kidneys.
Posted by 92><>74 (11:11)
I dont know I'm not a Doctor but my Dad was put on Blood Pressure medicine after having open heart surgery, he decided on his own he didn't need the medicine because he felt his blood pressure was normal and then he ended up having Kidney Problems which the Dr said was because he went off the medicine.
Your blood pressure probably was do to the food poisoning and I don't know what the Dr. told you after words but if they gave you blood pressure medicine stay on it unless they tell you different. Also look for natural cures to help if you can't get back to the doctor right away Iv'e heard Garlic can keep your blood pressure low you can buy it in pill form,
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