
Kidney Disease: I've already asked this question...But i still feel guilty?

I've already asked this question...But i still feel guilty?I have to have an abortion on Thursday. My baby has polycystic Kidney disease. If I do not terminate my pregnancy, my life is at risk as well. My baby will NOT live. I've gone through this with another child..gave birth and watched my son die in my arms. Why does everyone have to make me feel guilty about this procedure that I have no control over? Why would I possibly want to think about what my baby would look like or what color its eyes would have been?? I understand there are a ton of pro-life supporters, and I appreciate that. I really do. I wanted this baby so much. I need a very effective approach to deal with my stress and "depression". I have two very beautiful boys that need their mommy. Who could risk their life to give birth to a baby that is 100% going to die? Why would I possibly take the risk of leaving my boys motherless?? As much as I don't want to do this abortion....as much as I would LOVE to see my baby come home with me, its not possible. There is no other way.
Does anyone agree with me? Or are all of the pro-life supporters against me? I don't really care what the answer is, but it would give me ease of mind to know that I am doing the right thing in other peoples eyes.. Thanks!

Posted by Kelsey H
Oh my God. I am SO sorry that you have to go through this. Anyone who thinks you should go through a pregnancy that will kill you and your child is clearly NOT pro-life! I wish you the very best. You said it yourself, there's nothing else that can be done, say that over and over to yourself whenever you start to feel guilty.
<3 Kelsey

Posted by Hope N
I dont agree with abortions, BUT, these are extenuating circumstances. Yes your baby may have a few breaths, but will they be comfortably ones? no..

you are doing the right thing for the baby, you, and your family..

I am so sorry you had to make this decision.

Posted by ShellyC
You know that you are doing the right thing - other peoples opinions should not matter.

I agree with you - whether you had other children or not risking your own life for a baby that would not make it anyway is just stupid.

If you really need help to get over your guilt and depression, talk to a psychologist or other family counselor, preferably one that is experienced in dealing with these situations. Talk to your doctor or the clinic where you are getting the abortion to find out of there are any specialists in your area.

Good luck to you and your family. I wish you all the best and will include you in my prayers this evening. I hope that you find peace.

Posted by Doodlebug
I think that if you know for a fact that this baby is not going to live, and that if you do have the baby you have a chance of dying then you have to make the best choice for you and your family. There are going to be people out there that are going to say it doesn't matter one way or another aportion is aportion, it's just how some people feel. I wish you and your family the best of luck.

Posted by Jesssicccaa
I think you are doing the right thing.
Since you know that your baby is 100% going to die and you are putting your life in danger, abortion is the best option.
I think you are a very storng person for doing this and should be proud of yourself. =)

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