
HELLO friends can you help me?

HELLO friends can you help me?Tomorrow I have an exams can you help me in this exercise I can't speak English so much …
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Type of text an expository article
Encourage people or incite them to donate some money or anything to help children's who suffer from kidney disease. Write an article.

Please don't forget me to take a good mark in this exam. Answer me quickly.

Posted by Catie I
Chronic illness of any kind in children is very difficult for both parents and children. Children are supposed to be healthy and happy, to enjoy life and plan for the future. When a child is given a diagnosis of kidney disease, parents are quick to ask some of these questions:

"Why?" "Why?" "Why?" "How could this have been prevented?" "What do we do about it?" "What did I do wrong?" "Why didn't it show up sooner?" "What will his life be like?" "Why can't it be me?" "How do I tell him?" "What do I tell him?"

A first step in preparing your child to accept and learn about the kidney disease or condition is for you the parent to accept and learn about it. How can you expect a child to understand what you yourself cannot deal with?

Kidney disease can be acute or chronic. With certain diseases, the child may experience remissions and relapses (the problem improves almost back to normal, then the problem can worsen). Some conditions can be cured, while others become chronic and may worsen over time, possibly leading to end-stage kidney disease, requiring dialysis or a transplant to live. Kidney disease in children may result from congenital anomalies or disorders that occurred early in the fetal developmental stages, possibly before the mother even knew she was pregnant or from birth injuries. Some structural defects may be corrected or improved by surgery. Kidney disorders also may develop as a result of hereditary conditions present at birth, become apparent in early childhood or not show up until years later. Infections, high blood pressure, medications in toxic doses and many other diseases may also damage the kidneys. Glomerulonephritis includes a group of conditions in which the kidneys are damaged by the body's own immune system.

Whatever the condition or disease, whenever it develops and regardless of how many people have kidney disease, when it is your own child, nothing else matters. Initially, your entire focus is on your child and family.

Founded more than 35 years ago, the American Association of Kidney Patients (AAKP) exists to serve the needs, interests and welfare of all kidney patients and their families. Its mission is to improve the lives of fellow kidney patients and their families by helping them to deal with the physical, emotional and social impact of kidney disease. To accomplish these goals, AAKP engages in a variety of educational and supportive programs designed:
* to assist patients both to learn more about their disease
and to become active participants in planning and managing
their treatment;
* to improve patient understanding of and access to
* to work together for the improvement of public programs
that help kidney patients meet their financial and personal
* to reflect the views and concerns of patients to public
policy makers and others in the renal community;
* and to provide a lifeline for patients in need of emotional
support and reassurance that only other patients can

AAKP is a national organization of more than 12,000 members, including patients, family members, renal professionals, friends and institutional members. It is the only national kidney patient organization directed by kidney patients for kidney patients. It is important that we keep this organization helping the family and patients of Kidney Disease operating. Please send your donation in today, we cannot do this alone. We need your help today.

Take this information and write in your own words what you need to say. Good luck

Add your own answer in the comments! Learn basic information on kidney disease from the experts at Kidney Disease Info Blog.

Orignal From: HELLO friends can you help me?

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