
OMG OMG shocking news. Is this true??

OMG OMG shocking news. Is this true??Heavy metal poisoning has become an increasingly major health problem, especially since the industrial revolution. Heavy metals are in the water we drink, the foods we eat, the air we breathe, our daily household cleaners, our cookware and our other daily tools. A heavy metal has a density at least 5 times that of water and cannot be metabolized by the body, therefore accumulating in the body. Heavy metal toxicity can cause our mental functions, energy, nervous system, kidneys, lungs and other organ functions to decline. Learning where these metals can be found and decreasing one's exposure is vital to staying healthy. For the person who wonders if they have heavy metal poisoning, testing is essential. If a person has heavy metal toxicity then interventional natural medicine procedures need to be performed.

I remember someone, once said tap waters are healthy, GTFO you lying fool

Sources: Tap water, fungicides, marijuana, processed meat, rubber, seafood (cod, haddock, oyster, tuna), sewage, tobacco, colas (especially from vending machines), tools, welding material, evaporated milk, airborne industrial contaminants, batteries, instant coffee, incineration of tires/rubber/plastic, refined grains, soft water, galvanized pipes, dental alloys, candy, ceramics, electroplating fertilizers, paints, motor oil and motor exhaust.

Symptoms and DIseases: Alopecia, anemia, arthritis, cancer, lung disease, cerebral hemorrhage, cirrhosis of the liver, enlarged heart, diabetes, emphysema, hypoglycemia, hypertension, impotence, infertility, kidney disease, learning disorders, migraines, inflammation, renal disease, osteoporosis, schizophrenia, strokes, vascular disease, high cholesterol, growth is impaired, cardiovascular disease,

Also, does nickle engenders kidney failure?

There's the link, http://www.heart-disease-bypass-surgery.com/data/articles/141.htm

Posted by Al
We are all doomed!!!!!!!........i like heavy metal music, BUT it can be a bit sore on the head when you are head banging!

Posted by The Circus Bearded Lady
It is true that our environment is polluted there are people who will be affected just as many animals have been affected by the same pollutants. So we see many fish today which are born with malformed genitalia, deformed fins, extra fins, etc., because they are poisoned by the hormones from the female contraceptive pills which are discharged with the sewage into rivers and sea.

But it is equally true, if the evolutionist are right, that some who are the "fitter" will adapt to the heavy metals, radio-nuclides, hormones, dioxin, poisons, etc., in our environment and go on to produce stronger and fitter stock. e.g. humans with extra fingers, bigger (or smaller) brain, bisexuals who can cope better in our liberal society, etc.

So there is really no need to worry. In the long run, evolution will sort it out as it has always been doing. Volcanoes, for example, spewed out poisons and killed off many life forms, but some survive and after millions of years these repopulated the earth. Meteors and comets smashing into our earth brought their heavy metals and other life forms (viruses and bacteria) and probably killed off many earth life, but at the same time brought enduring mutations. The process keeps going on and it gets sorted out. Even global hotification.

Posted by badhabyt
Compared to ten and twenty years ago, there is no major metal contamination. What has happened is that EPA regulations have lowered metal limits by about 100 times in the last twenty years, so by todays standards there continue to be concerns, not problems. The USA has the most strict environmental laws in the world. Now in the rest of the world, metal poisoning is still a problem. THe site you read is a rant, non-science site and is made to scare people. People live longer now than ever before, so we could not be poisoned too bad.

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Orignal From: OMG OMG shocking news. Is this true??

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