anyone know someone with bulimia?its a very sad disease....i feel it shows weakness and very low self esteem.
Here's a little snipet from the internet. This might not cure you of bulimia, but maybe it will your severe stupidity and ignorance:
"Frequent vomiting brings up stomach acid into the mouth, eroding teeth's enamel. Cavities and gum infections are common in people with bulimia. The stomach acid also irritates the esophagus, producing heartburn, and the salivary glands, making them swell.
Bulimia harms the entire body. People with bulimia also tend to be constipated from laxative abuse and improper nutrition. Bulimics typically eat high calorie, low nutritional value foods like breads or ice cream. As a result, they may be undernourished and have dry skin, hair, and nails. Bulimia causes mineral and vitamin deficiencies and can lead to chronic kidney problems, including kidney failure. Dehydration is also common in people with bulimia. Undernourishment and dehydration lower the body's electrolytes, causing an irregular heartbeat or heart problems. The effects can be serious. When potassium drops severely, it can cause the heart to stop, resulting in death.
Bulimia affects people's mental and emotional well-being. These problems can come directly from bulimia, or bulimia may be a response to the other problems. People with bulimia may be tired and unable to perform at peak levels from the mental and physical stress bulimia puts on the mind and body. Depression, low self-esteem, and extreme perfectionism are common in people with bulimia. Bulimia can cause tension with family and friends, interrupting the lives of people with the disorder.
The most severe effect of bulimia is death. Ten percent of people with bulimia eventually die from its effects, usually from the electrolyte imbalance caused by dehydration."
Paints a pretty picture, doesn't it?
yes it is.very sad.hope she continues to do well!!!
natile and andrea- i am untitled to my opinion.i can say what i me its for attention... and that right there is sick...very sad.there are other ways to get attention.sorry my opinion. to bad if u dont like it!!
Posted by ChiCk4God
my best friend had bulimia for two years :( but shes doing better. i just did a research paper over bulimia....its a really wicked sickness!!
Posted by gyoza1216
You know what's funny about this? Bulemics know what it does. They don't care because all they obcess about is being pretty. Telling anyone this won't stop them from being bulemic the same way telling a smoker that their cigarette causes cancer. They know... they just don't care. Believe me, my sisters are both bulemic... and smokers.
Posted by sk
Honestly, I was Bulimic for 12 years and I am 25 now. I have not binged or purged in over a year now. We all know those facts, it doesn't matter to us. I was fortunate enough to get past it, after living with it for HALF my life. I have no idea how or why I stopped, If I did I would be a millionaire. I really think the individual needs to make the choice for themself, even family and children or health can stop you.
Posted by natalie
oh God, i love people like you.
"severe stupidity and ignorance"
you think we are stupid and ignorant about this disease!?
no my dear, we are not. nobody is. instead, bulimics and anorexics like to ignore facts like this! push them to the back of their mind, because all they want is to be perfect!
is it too much to ask to just be perfect? well of course it is, but who cares! we can strive for perfection, eh?
well, i hope you realize this is a disease, and this is very offending. maybe it's just me, but i for one am not stupid, nor am i ignorant about this disease! however, i want something so badly, i'm willing to die for it!
before you post things like this, saying we are stupid or whatever, walk a mile in our shoes!
thank you very much!
Posted by Kimberly C
I was bullimic for 2 years but i went to go see a doctor and i am healty now!=D
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