
Is there anyone taking CellCept? If so, how long did you take it and what symptoms did you have?

Is there anyone taking CellCept? If so, how long did you take it and what symptoms did you have?SERIOUS REPLIES ONLY. THANKS!

Hi, I was diagnosed with lupus almost 2 years ago after over 11 years of dealing with various symptoms and flares and kidney disease. Right now I am only taking 1/2 a 250 mg chloroquine tablet once a day but I still have pain and fatigue and my sed rate is going up slowly, which it does during seasonal changes. My doctor wants me to start chemo or steroids, which scares the crap out of me. I saw online that there is something called CellCept that may work to reduce lupus symptoms that may have more tolerable symptoms than chemo, but I don't want to jump into anything. Can someone who has lupus who has or is using CellCept tell me if it works, how long it works, if you experienced any really bad side effects and if so did you recover? And did the lupus come back? Thank you for your help.

Posted by DaBoomvang

I do not have Lupus, but I do have a similar auto-immune disease. I can imagine we take the same drugs for the same reasons, because our auto-immune systems are out of controll and need to be supressed,

I have been taking methotrexate (aka chemo), and it's been absolutely horrible. The side effects of nausea and vomiting were miserable. Plus, I was sooooo tired. I would sleep for 18 hours, get up, and need a nap within 2 hours.

Just today, I am starting a new medication... Cellcept!

I am hoping for the best. I dont know what to expect. I dont know what side effects to expect either. I can let you know though!

The worst drug I've ever had to take though, was prednisone (steropids). I would recommend you do ANYTHING to avoid taking it! I gained 20 pounds in weeks on it, and it was not because of over eating! The drug makes you gain weight. AND... it redistributes your fat into your belly - so now I have a beer belly. :o( I gained 3 inches in my waistline. Dieting wont help - there is nothing you can do to avoid it.

I wish you the best as you battle your fight! I hope you fight the fight! Good luck,

Posted by mgnysgtcappo
My wife has been taking cellcept for her Lupus for the last two and a half years with little side effects. She was a little sick to her stomach at first but now it really doesn't affect her. It has done wonders for her Lupus flare ups though. She hasn't had kidney involvement since being on the drug and she is only taking 5 mg of prednisone right now. She also has antiocardiolipid syndrome and takes coumadin to thin her blood. If you have any more questions or would like some more detailed info please feel free to email me

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Orignal From: Is there anyone taking CellCept? If so, how long did you take it and what symptoms did you have?

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