
Kidney Disease: Fun activities and things for a person with an autoimmune disease to do?

Fun activities and things for a person with an autoimmune disease to do?I have lupus SLE and kidney disease, and since I am very very sensitive to the light the summer is sad and depressing for me. I am getting tired of staying in the house, I also want to do things that can be done alone to since all of my friends work and I don't. I also am looking for some ideas about some activities I can do at night to which would be great. I also need activities that I can do with my friends when they are available that will be fun but do not require me to be out side or over do it physically. Please hep I am feeling like I am been cut off from the world because I have a disease that limits me physically

Posted by luvsherinboots
Dear Kenbfos,
I feel for you. I have discoid lupus. I can feel my skin burn in sunlight. I wear prescription sunblock even at night.
I go to the beach; when it rains, I go to the aquarium, and the Bronx Zoo, I fly my Radio Control Helicopter under the Pkwy.
Go bowling, Museums, movies, casinos, dinner.... travel to other cities and repeat this formula w/ gps (try washington DC) use the subway, when above ground walk on the side of the street with shadows

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www.HippocratesHealthLifestyle.com Discover an unexpected understanding of auto immune diseases from Dr. Brian Clement, of Hippocrates Health Institute.

Learn basic information on kidney disease from the experts at Kidney Disease Info Blog.

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