
Anyone out there familiar with Polycystic Kidney Disease?

Anyone out there familiar with Polycystic Kidney Disease?If so..... if someone has this, what would cause constant kidney pain?
My mother-in-law had a transplant (b/c of this disease) but she never once had kidney pain, neither has my sister-in-law who has it. My husband has it also (it's the genetic type) and has had horrible kidney pain for 3 weeks now. He is seeing the doctor today, I'm just nervous.

Doesn't the pain normally occur only in the late stages of the disease or could it simply be a large cyst?
Autosomal "dominant" PKD
He's only 27, BTW.
We are aware of the risks. He was recently diagnosed and this is the #1 reason we don't plan on having any more children. Thank you for the info!

Posted by ,
It could be that his kidneys have got so large that its pushing on something else inside his abdomen and causing pain.

The kidneys in this disease tend to fill up with cysts

Patients can get high blood pressure as a result

Late stage of this disease usually results in kidney failure due to the damage from the cysts. That is why your mother in law got a transplant.

Edit: If you have children with your husband, you should be aware that they will also develop this kidney problem to. Just like both your husband and sister got it from their mom. Your children will get it from their dad. Its unfortunate, but that is what autosomal dominant means

Posted by dmelkins1
I have polycystic kidneys and I get a lot of pain, especially in my left side because I have a very big cyst on that side. Sometime the cysts get infected or cause bleeding and that is painful as well. I am in stage 4 of kidney failure and when I eat too much protein I sometimes get pain, all though it isn't has bad. As for children, there is a 50% chance that they will have the pkd. I have two children and only one of them have it. I also know someone with nine kids and the father had pkd and four of the nine children have the disease. I think you really need to weigh your options with having children. My neph told me they are close to finding the gene of this disease and when my son is older they most likely will have a cure. I hope this helps.

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Orignal From: Anyone out there familiar with Polycystic Kidney Disease?

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