is it possible to develop autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease at 14-16 y/o?my friend was wondering. i mean like, not develop but just start getting symptoms of it then and if u can what is the chances of survival and what kind of treatment is there?
Posted by Christina
apparently so. my grandma has the disease (and isn't doing so well, unfortunately) and they tested me for it when i was 14! they said SO FAR i didn't have the symptoms, but since it skips generations that i should be tested again in a couple of years.
Posted by Darlene
Yes, it is possible ,but there is Dialysis that can help.. Take Care....
Posted by Debra S
Yes it is possible. PKD runs in my family. All 4 of my Uncles, my Aunt, 7 cousins and my brother have it. My Mom also had it and she died a year ago from complications of dialysis. I am 25 and have been tested and luckily I do not show signs as of yet.
There is no cure for this disease but there are treatment options. When end stage renal disease occurs your options are dialysis or transplantation. You can live a long life with this disease. My Mom was diagnosed in her early twenties, her kidneys did not go into renal failure until her early forties and then she lived until 56. My Uncles are in their 60's and 70's.
If your friend is worried about getting this disease then I would strongly encourage him/her to go to their doctor. Their doctor should be able to set up a consultation with a nephrologist to answer any questions.
Orignal From: is it possible to develop autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease at 14-16 y/o?
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