
do i hav kidney disease or some urination disease?

do i hav kidney disease or some urination disease?i keep having the urge to urinate every 15 minuites wuts wrong?

Posted by airam_k
It depends on your age. I have kidney failure and I actually do not urinate but, maybe once a day.

Posted by alavistaven2006
Over active bladder, i'm suprised that you didn't go to the doctor! you have to go to the doctor, or have osmeone go for you to find out if u can't make it in time. " gotta go gotta go gotta go right now..." It was a tune from a commercial about over active baldder, its due from an enlarged prostate which isn't that good, if u get it trated from a doctor, the prostate will shrink and you'll be urinating properly. go to the doctor!!!!!

Posted by swylie2000
Well, I cannot tell you what is wrong, but I can tell you what I have experienced: lighten up on the caffeine! The only other thing I know is that diabetes often causes people to urinate frequently, so ask your family if it is in your history.

Posted by heartbreaker6713
u probably have a urinary tract infection. you should get it checked out it can cause kidney damage if you don't

Posted by che man
that could be a lot of things, if it persist see a doctor.
kidney disease usually has to do with the in/ability of the kidney to filter junk out of your system. after that it goes to the bladder, and when you bladder gets about half full, the weight pushes down on a nerve and it tells you you have to go. so i really don't think it kidney disease, but if you feel there's something wrong, there may be, but I'm not a doctor, yet.

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Orignal From: do i hav kidney disease or some urination disease?

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