Is it common for a vet to vaccinate an older sick cat?I have one pet (cat) that is 12 yrs old and is strictly an indoors. My cat is sick with inflammatory bowel disease, kidney disease, periodontal disease, and chronic constipation. My vet recently vaccinated him for feline distemper and rabies. He prefers the 1 year over the 3 year vaccination. My cat hides and has a diminished appetite. I have been a basket case for days. I really like my vet, but I don't want to loose my cat.
Posted by lizzy
A lot of vets prefer the 1 year cat vaccine because it's less stressful on the cat's body, and whether or not we would do a feline distemper on an indoor cat this age depends on how long it's been since he had one. I don't think either vaccine would aggravate his medical problems aside from the stress of being at the vet in the first place. This is really a judgment call, since I don't know your cat's full history I can't really criticize your vet for giving the shots. I will say though, that where I work, the final decision on whether or not to give the shots falls on the owner. We try to provide you with the information you need to decide what is best for you and your pet.
Posted by april
I have never met a vet that would vaccinate any sick animal! I also don't know any that would prefer the one year shots over the three year shots. He just wants extra money. He needs to check out your cat and tell him you'll not be doing the one year shots anymore! And if he's been this way for days after his vaccinations, he should have already been taken to the vet!
Posted by Tammy C
I have an elderly cat with periodontal problems and a mild respiratory problem,and when I had him to the vet last week,my vet would NOT vaccinate him,even though his shots were past due.It is too hard on their immune system when they are already immune compromised,and also,my vet only does vaccinations every three years,especially on indoor cats. Your cat will probably be OK,but I would keep a close watch on him.
Posted by Gregory T
If you have doubts about your vet your best source for advice is another vet. (S)He has to rely on judgment in cases like this as to whether the risk of inflammation from a vaccine is worse than the risk of communicable disease. Local ordinances may also require your vet to administer the vaccinations.
Your vet may have recommended a high-fiber food such as W/D for the bowel problems. If so, consider using it. If not, ask if adding fiber to the diet (using unsweetened, canned pumpkin, for example) would be beneficial.
Considering the number of conditions you list, you may need to consider whether further intervention is helping kitty or perhaps just contributing to suffering. This is never an easy choice, and one I had to make only a few weeks ago.
Good Luck.
Posted by all that jazz
they wouldnt vaccinate it if they thought it would make them worse. they do like to vaccinate though as it would protect it from catching a disease and then be (if possible) even more sick.
Orignal From: Is it common for a vet to vaccinate an older sick cat?
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