
I had kidney stones about a month ago. The same pain is coming back is it possible to have them again.?

I had kidney stones about a month ago. The same pain is coming back is it possible to have them again.?It's actually been about two months since i had the stones. During that time i was vommiting, fever, and headach with extreme lower back pain (contraction like pain). For some reason i didnt have my period for 3 months. I am wondering if maybe its something more. Maybe kidney disease because i am always tired, in pain, urinated alot especeially at night. I am only 29 but when i was 11 i overdosed on over 100 asprins and the doctor told me that later in life i will have kidney problems. I dont know what to do my doctor thinks that i am seeking attention and pain medication. I just want them to see whats wrong with me. This constant pain in my life is destroying my relationship with husband, children, and friends. When Its not my kidneys in pain then i get pain here and there and everywhere especially in my lower back from sciatica and scoliosis. Has anyone had these symptoms?

Posted by miri
yes it is possible for you to get them again

Posted by rainy_54
Yes you can get them again. I would see my doctor and if you don't get any answers from him/her try another one. Good luck!

Posted by Nicole
Yes. You should still get some blood work done. Your body is telling you that something is wrong. Doctors sometimes don't really pay attention to that so you have to make them do their jobs.

Posted by Shorti
yeah... you can get them numerous times.

and sorry :(

Posted by KittyKat
You need to go to another doctor, preferably a urologist if you aren't going to one now, and let the specialist work with you.

You can get the stones over and over again and I've been told that diet can be a big factor in this problem so you will want to research and see what you can come up with or talk with the doctor or a nutritionist for guidance on that.

You may want to be very careful about what you drink so you can try to prevent the kidney problems and keep them healthier. Drink cranberry juice and water most of the time and limit your caffeine which can cause problems.

Also be careful about dairy products ~ drink some but not alot and none at all when you have problems.

Check out the website below and see if you can get any useful information from it but definitely get to some specialists for more specialized treatment.

I live with daily pain, too, from Post Polio Syndrome, something I just have to learn to live with, so I sympathize with your problems and hope you can get some help.

Check with an orthopaedic about your scoliosis pain and maybe they can give you some exercises to help strengthen your back a little.

My cousin had problems with the sciatica and her doctor finally sent her to a doctor who used a laser to burn the nerve endings to stop the pain ~ she is now pain free and has been for several months. She was off work for almost a year until they did that procedure so it was well worth it.

Try not to let the pain get to you so much that you make life miserable for everyone else. You don't want to lose your family. Sometimes we just have to bite our lip and bear through it as best we can. Good luck to you.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Learn basic information on kidney disease from the experts at Kidney Disease Info Blog.

Orignal From: I had kidney stones about a month ago. The same pain is coming back is it possible to have them again.?

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