Early signs of kidney disease? Need advice!?I'm 24 years old and lately I have been really worried that I'm developing kidney disease. I have a strong family history of kidney problems and have had a lot of problems myself in the last 2 months. In the last 2 months, I have had a UTI, a kidney stone removed, and 2 kidney infections. I also had a CAT scan a week and a half ago and was told that my left kidney looked pretty swollen. The symptoms I've had for the last 2 months are: noticeable blood in my urine, bubbly or foamy looking urine, severe pain in my left side which radiates to my back, nausea almost all the time, weight loss, feeling cold all the time, very itchy skin, craving more salty foods and feeling worn out all the time even when I haven't done anything. I have read a little bit about kidney disease and have read that all of these things can be symptoms. I'm worried that with my family history and all of these symptoms that I might be developing kidney disease. I do have a follow-up appointment with my urologist next week. I plan to ask him about all of this since none of it is getting better. If anyone has any experience with kidney disease, what were your first symptoms? Does this sound like kidney disease or could it be something else? I would really appreciate any personal experiences or advice. Thanks!
Posted by Kye36
Hi, just wait til you see your specialist. try not to stress they will tell you what to do.
ask your family and relatives- but also keep in mind moderm medicine gets more advanced every year.
Orignal From: Early signs of kidney disease? Need advice!?
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