no potassium but has kidney disease?ok so im going to my new nepherologist next week, cause she is concerned as to why my previous doctors haven't tried to fix whatever is going on with me. so here's the deal, i have a kidney disease called PKD ( polycycstic kidney disease) and pretty much with any kidney disease you need to watch how much potassium you intake cause its bad for us. but the thing is i have no potassium, which is why i've been on a very high dosage of potassium just to keep my level somewhat normal. before taking the pills i would sleep for hours on end and then still be tired. it was like i'd go into a coma or something cause nothing my parents did could wake me up. my potassium levels at that point were dangerously low, which is why they put me on potassium, but my nephrologist is concerned that its something different from my kidney disease. so my question is does anyone know whats causing me to have no potassium in me when i have a kidney disease that should make me have eexcessive potassium?
i don't have any symptoms of diarrhea, vomiting or anything like that. the only symptom i had was the sleeping for long periods of time and i mean like 16hrs asleep, 2 hrs awake and then asleep for 10 more hours. but still feeling tired after all that sleep.
Posted by ExeneC
I hope they find the answer soon. Some causes of low potassium are vomiting, diarrhea, medication like diuretics or steroids, low magnesium levels or elevated levels of a hormone called aldosterone.
Orignal From: no potassium but has kidney disease?
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