Why is blood creatinie level suddenly increasing?My mum has chronic kidney disease for the past 14 years and she is 44 yrs old now. For the past 5 years, her blood urea count has been around 70 to 95 and creatinine at around 2.1 to 2.4. The doctor has said it is normal for her. However, last week's blood test showed that my mum's creatinine level was 2.8 and urea 92. Also, my mum is taking injections to boost her blood haemoglobin level. The test also showed that my mum's haemoglobin level has decreased from 9.8 to 9.1 . We consulted the doctor, he asked for my mum's serum ferritin level to be tested and consult him again. The test results arrived today and was 251 and in the normal range. What is going on? Does my mum have a sudden kidney failure after 14 years of kidney illness. I am just 16 and I am willing to donate one of my kidneys if I have to. And in this kind of a situation, my mum is stubborn about her relgious trip to Saudi Arabia as we are muslims. The doctor has advised her not to. What's going on? Is my mum's health OK?
Posted by evolvedintofeminist
Alas, I am at a loss as to an answer. However, here is a starting place for you: http://www.cdc.gov/omh/Highlights/2006/HMar06K.htm.
Good Luck
Posted by mr.answerman
There are 2 common tests for kidney function and you have listed them both. BUN or blood urea nitrogen, and creatinine levels. BUN can be elevated due to kidney disease, or it can be elevated in people due to a high protien diet, or fever, pregnancy, vigerous exercise and likely more. Creatinine is a molecule that is produced at a fairly constant rate from muscle metabolism. Because of the constant rate of production and only one source it is a better indicator of kidney function. Since your mum has a history of kidney disease this would indicate the condition has gotten worse. If you are a good candidate for a transplant you mum is sure lucky to have such a generous and caring child. Best luck and I hope for the best.
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