
Why do doctors speed up kidney failure with an injection for pain, then start kidney dialysis.?

Why do doctors speed up kidney failure with an injection for pain, then start kidney dialysis.?

Posted by David B
if a single pain injection is enough to "speed up kidney failure," then the patient was there already.

Posted by Johnka
I don't understand. Are you implying medical malpractice?

Posted by Avery Michaels
Certain medications in high enough dosed can cause acute renal failure especially if the patient already has decreased renal function. Corticosteroids are nephrotoxic, but are given to people with severe inflammatory/chronic pain. It depends if the risks outweigh the benefits. Often times, they will start hemodialysis and kidney function will return in an acute situation. Your question is so vague though, so unless you state the specifics, no answer given could be helpful.

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