
Kidney Disease: Any pros out there who think my sister's shut down kidneys will reverse on Dialysis?

Any pros out there who think my sister's shut down kidneys will reverse on Dialysis?My sister got a 3rd degree burn on her left leg from falling asleep on a heating pad for 7 hrs by accident 6 weeks ago. Had to have surgery on it and very strong meds. Her leg is healing very nicely but the meds made her kidneys shut down. She also got 'acute anemia' as well. She was very sick so we took her to emergency at the hospital and found out her kidneys were in shut down. I was shocked! She. couldnt eat, nausea, throwing up, high blood pressure.. Had to have 3 blood transfusions and is on dialysis now. She is still in the hospital and they are trying to reverse the kidney failure. The biopsy showed that 9 units of the kidneys 10 units got diseased from this. Her Creatinine was 8 but is now at 6. She has no other health issues. It is 'Acute Kidney Failure" that has just happened about 2+ weeks ago. She is now doing great, eats, feels normal now except is being treated to help reverse the kidneys. The doctor said they may or maynot reverse and it could take up to 6 months for that to happen if it does. We are praying that it does. Anyone else had this happen before and have the kidneys reverse to working again? my sons father in law had kidney failure from his heart surgery and his Creatinine was at 12 and his kidneys reversed in 2 months. He was lucky they reversed. This has been horribly upsetting. I can't believe my 53 yr old healthy sister got this from some stupid medication.

Posted by Luis
Wow stupid doctors u can live without kidneys through dialisis but hopefully kidneys will reverse or u can donate a kidney to Sis or put her on that one list

Posted by cowboydoc
The kidneys will heal in time. Don't hold you breadth through. There are so many factors in this ??? it just may not happen then again ?All you can do is prayer and lot's of water.

Posted by Gracinda
If her nephrologists are hopeful that her kidney function will turn around, then that is a good sign.
They generally have a good idea, based upon the cause of the kidney failure and her response to the dialysis, if her kidneys will "heal."
Yes, it is possible, and I've seen it happen with my patients. It does take a few months sometimes.

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Orignal From: Kidney Disease: Any pros out there who think my sister's shut down kidneys will reverse on Dialysis?

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