
How the hell does Hysterectomy increase the risk for cardiovascular disease?

How the hell does Hysterectomy increase the risk for cardiovascular disease?Damn it! I've been looking for answers for hours and I can't seem to connect the link between hysterectomy and Cardiovascular disease.

Complete Hysterectomy is the removal of uterus and ovaries. Which means bloody volume of the whole body is reduced because of the absence of these organs from the body. Does this cause an increased risk for cardiovascular disease? Seems like not.


Posted by Jay W
Actually the jury is still out on whether hysterectomy does, in fact, increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. The connection is hormonal. The ovaries produce estrogen, progesterone, and other hormones, so when they are removed, the production of these hormones ceases. The presence of estrogen in the body has been long thought to protect against cardiovascular disease. Therefore, a complete hysterectomy would potentially result in the loss of the "protective effect" of estrogen. However, recent data is casting some doubt on that theory.

Posted by newkirkb52
In the first palce HELL has nothing to do with the subject to your question . Clean up your questions the next time and you may get some meaningful answers OK ?

Posted by gangadharan_nair
Oestrogen affects the blood cholesterol levels and also regulates the circulation of LDL (low-density lipoproteins - "bad" cholesterol) and HDL (high density lipoproteins - "good" cholesterol). After the menopause the blood cholesterol and LDL levels go up and the HDL levels drop, this encourages an increase in the hardening of arteries and is particualrly pronounced in women that smoke, are overweight and do not take regular exercise.
In addition to heart disease, insulin resistance also increases following menopause, this in turn can lead to an increased risk of heart disease itself. Insulin resistance can lead to type II diabetes, the link between insulin resistance and heart disease is due to high levels of LDL and low levels of HDL.
Please see Google search on Hysterectomy and heart disease.

Posted by martinmagini
Yes it did for me. Not only did the hysterectomy start me on a course of high cholesterol and eventual artery blockage, it also aged me noticeably, changed my ability to control my weight with diet and exercise, turned my abs into cottage-cheesy looking flab, robbed me of my personality, and diminished my passion. And hormone replacement causes strokes just like the carotid blockage can. Damned if I do, damned if I don't.
Ladies, don't let your doctor take your ovaries if they are healthy...you will deeply regret it.

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