
I'm 29 w/ chronic kidney disease for 4yrs, tylenol induced liver disease 3yrs. Wil I get kidney failure?

I'm 29 w/ chronic kidney disease for 4yrs, tylenol induced liver disease 3yrs. Wil I get kidney failure?I recently had another kidney infection and I was wondering if I take care of myself if I will get kidney failure eventually. My infection was about 3 weeks ago and my urologist think I still may have it. If you have any exp on this please let me know. I'm a single mother of 3 children and have been very weak, tired and have lost over 50 pounds in 11 months. My last urine tests are below perhaps if you know anything about them as well.. it'd be helpful. I was also peeing blood clots brown and stringy (yucky I know). But I go next week to get an ultrasound and ct scan on my kidneys. How likely is it that I die from kidney or liver disease?

spec gravity 1.005
ph 8
leukocytes 1+
nitrates neg
protein trace
glucose neg
ketones neg
urobillnogin neg
billirubin 1+
blood trace

assement 599.0

Thanks for your help any information would be greatly appreciated.
I recently had another kidney infection and I was wondering if I take care of myself if I will get kidney failure eventually. My infection was about 3 weeks ago and my urologist think I still may have it. If you have any exp on this please let me know. I'm a single mother of 3 children and have been very weak, tired and have lost over 50 pounds in 11 months. My last urine tests are below perhaps if you know anything about them as well.. it'd be helpful. I was also peeing blood clots brown and stringy (yucky I know). But I go next week to get an ultrasound and ct scan on my kidneys. How likely is it that I die from kidney or liver disease?

spec gravity 1.005
ph 8
leukocytes 1+
nitrates neg
protein trace
glucose neg
ketones neg
urobillnogin neg
billirubin 1+
blood trace

assement 599.0

Thanks for your help any information would be greatly appreciated.

Okay I have had kidney disease for 4 years it was diagnosed 5/?/04. I had a kidney infection but have the disease.

Posted by RetroBlader
When you said you had "chronic kidney disease for 4yrs", do you mean recurrent kidney infections? Or something else -- like being told by your doctor that you have proteins in your urine, or that your kidneys are not functioning at 100%?

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is actually a medical entity with a very specific set of definitions: http://www.kidney.org/professionals/kdoqi/guidelines_ckd/p4_class_g1.htm
On the other hand, people can have recurrent urinary infections without ANY kidney disease -- their infections stay in the bladder, and never involve the kidneys themselves.

To know whether your infections have actually done damage to the kidneys, you need blood tests (such as "creatinine" and "blood urea nitrogen") in addition to urine tests. For example, kidney failure (medically known as End-Stage Renal Disease) usually does not occur until the creatinine goes above 4 or 5 (normal being around 1). It will be very helpful if you have your blood test results.

Finally, your urine test is consistent with a urinary tract infection, but it does not tell us whether the infection is only in the bladder, or in the kidney(s) as well.

The ultrasound and CT scan will look at the sizes of your kidneys (kidneys damaged by severe CKD tend to be smaller), but also see if the tubes connecting the kidneys to the bladder (ureters) are stretched by stagnant urine flow.

I'm sure you will have more questions after the scans are done. Feel free to ask more questions then.

Good luck.

Posted by abijann
You said that you were diagnosed with
liver disease for 3 years. If this has progressed to cirrhosis of the liver,
which is scar tissue forming inside the
liver and death of the liver cells, Then your
body may not be able to remove toxins
from your system. The liver usually does
this. It gets rid of toxins our body makes
and also toxin that come into our body
from outside sources....it does this by
converting it to a non toxic form that will
go out in our urine and feces. Any liver
damage can cause these toxins not to
be converted and they can go out into
the blood and will show up on your blood
work as being higher than normal.
Because the kidney is what filters our blood,
The increase in these toxins, that the liver
can no longer handle, the kidneys will start
to work overtime in trying to rid the blood
of them.
I would check to see if you show any
signs of your skin or whites of the eyes
turning yellow in color. It is best seen in
the outdoor light, as inside light will mask
it. This yellowing (known as Jaundice)is caused by the bilirubin
level going higher in the blood. Bilirubin
comes from the break down of our red
blood cells and the liver converts it to a
soluble form to be removed from the body.
If it stays in the blood, It can cause this
coloring I mentioned above and also
it can darken your urine from yellow to
an orange and to a brown color.
I noticed that your urine test shows some
bilirubin in it but not much.
When there is kidney damaged, proteins
which normally does not appear can
increase in the urine...you show only a
trace. If blood is showing up in your urine,
Of which it says there is a trace of it,
it could be a number of different things:
bladder infection, kidney infection, kidney
damage and others.

If you want to know more about your
lab work, you can place the test on this
site and they will tell you about them:
They are not hard to understand.
Two tests that determine how well your
kidneys are functioning is the
creatinine test. (This creatinine is produced
in our body when we use our muscles...the
kidney usually filters it out and it is out
of the body in our urine...when it isn't
able to filter this well...this creatinine will
show a rise on your blood work)
The other is blood urea nitrogen or also
known as BUN, that will also show a rise.

Depending on how bad your liver condition
is and how much function you have of your
kidneys...only the doctor can tell this for
sure...if your kidneys functions are going
down fast or are stablized.

Losing weight for someone with both
these problems is not good, if the
patient is not eatting. Most
liver patients become mal nourished which
inhibits healing and put more pressure on
the body to try to have enough energy and
oxygen to strengthen the patient. I would
talk to your doctor about supplements you
can drink to keep your health up if you
don't feel like eatting.
You need to be seeing either a
gastroenterologist or a hepatologist for
your liver. There are two types of
doctors that deal with the kidneys:
nephrologist and urologist. A nephrologist
specializes only in the kidney itself.

When someone is diagnosed with liver
damage that has progressed to cirrhosis,
the body tends to retain sodium. This
also can stress the kidneys. It would
be great if both your liver doctor and
kidney doctors are informed of what
is happening with you and if you can
get them to work together on your
case. I would be sure that both had
your lab tests results and any other
test results.
I hope your ultrasound and Ct scan show
that this is just an infection that can be
cleared up and that you start to feel much
better. Best wishes.

Add your own answer in the comments! Learn basic information on kidney disease from the experts at Kidney Disease Info Blog.

Orignal From: I'm 29 w/ chronic kidney disease for 4yrs, tylenol induced liver disease 3yrs. Wil I get kidney failure?

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