
Why is it so hard for me to urinate?

Why is it so hard for me to urinate?I can't pee after sitting for a long time (plane rides) and after waking up from a sleep. I must wait for at least 5 to 10 minutes before the pee slowly drips out, then stop, and drips out, and stops until all my pee is out. Is this some kind of disease? Last month I was diagnosed with proteinuria and I have done an ultrasound for my kidneys, urine tests and a blood test. Is there any link? Or is this some other infection that has no relationship with the kidneys?

And finally... Is there a way for me to actually decrease the waiting time for my pee to come out?


Posted by panther_zallion
Yes there could be a urinary tract infection. or a STD in case in case of unprotected sex. Ask your doctor to refer a urine culture test.

Posted by Vampir V
Talk to your doc again. It's important.

Good luck.

Posted by I love Life
There could be a connection, proteinuria means you have a abnormal amount of protien in your unrine. I'd take a cranberry supplements it helps a lot I know someone who gets uti's but takes cranberry supplements and hasnt had one in months. I have taken them and when you gotta go your gone go

Posted by m
too much masturbation mayb

Posted by SubJ
Enlarged prostrate may be the culprit.

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Orignal From: Why is it so hard for me to urinate?

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