Why does it seem like there are so many diseases and sickness happening ?Parkinsons, Alzheimers, diabetes, kidney failure, liver failure... seems like some people go to hospital so often. I mean did we have all these problems in the past ? Maybe in the past people just died if they had any sickness, but today due to advances in medicine, people live longer even though they have some sickness... what do you think ?
Posted by Michelle B
All of these disorders existed in the past, we just didn't know what caused them. People died earlier in life too, mainly due to poor living conditions & poor hygiene. The medical advances today can be viewed as a double-edge sword. People are living longer, but some end up with multiple chronic illnesses. I believe we will see this trend decline (not anytime soon) when the next few generations learn to take care of their bodies at a younger age. I'm a nurse & see this issue everyday. It has raised the very ethical question on quantity vs. quality of life.
Posted by Vegas Beauty
I really wish and pray to have cures for all these dieases out here.
Posted by dr.psycho
i asked myself the same question, too... but have you ever realized that what if one day, all these mentioned sickness would suddenly vanish????!! what would happen to our doctors and nurses?? they'll lose their own jobs... their families would die of hunger...besides, this is maybe one of God's ways to lessen the sinners here on earth. =)
Posted by Joseph, II
It's nothing out of the ordinary... There are MORE people in the World today...-& those people are living longer...-So of course there's going to SEEM to be more illness... Problems like these have ALWAYS been with us...-It's just that we're more closely connected to the World around us than we've ever been...
Posted by neurogrrl
I think you hit the nail on the head. 100 years ago many people died young from infectious diseases or childbirth and so didn't have a chance to develop the chronic diseases we see today. And once they were sick, they died quickly.
So as a society we do need to look at how to be healthy without so much dependence on technology...
Orignal From: Kidney Disease: Why does it seem like there are so many diseases and sickness happening ?
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