
What nutritious yet fatty foods can i give to my low-weight baby?pls help!!?

What nutritious yet fatty foods can i give to my low-weight baby?pls help!!?in a follow up to my prev question, my baby is pretty skinny and doesnt put on weight easily no matter HOW hard i try, with new foods, tastes, experiments, i swear i chase after her all day with a spoon, yet shes' only 21 pounds and a few ounces at 13 months. she is a premature baby, born at 32 weeks.
so i got some feedback on here saying feed fatty food. i would like some ideas on GOOD fatty food, not junk food. with teh diet of most kids today they end up with adult diseases as early as 12 years old, not to mention cavities and such. i want her to have a high calorie diet but i dont want to stress out her kidneys.
please help me, one lady said avocado and i'm going to try that, what other ideas are there?
plus how do you melt the cheese to layer over veggies? do you just stick it in the oven or microwave it? what cheese do you use?
PLEASE help!! My baby's fat cells will thank you.

Posted by Me
Since she should be off formula, try Pediasure. It is supposed to be good for that. You can give her normal food that she gets everyday with Pediasure to drink. That way it's like she's doubling up on meals without being overfed. Also, some kids are just skinny. My 4 year old can eat whatever he wants within reason and not gain weight. He's 43-44 inches and only weighs like 39lbs. Plus being a preemie, it's understandable that she's small. Hope this helped.

Posted by nicole1988
Well luckily your daughter doesnt seem to be too far on the low weight for her age, and at that time they are suck picky eaters. For that age I would just buy some american, or cheez whiz. lay or spoon it on top of the veggies and microwave it. Other ideas, lets see......you can steam cauliflower and mash it with whole milk and butter, so its like mashed potatoes, she would never know the difference. Also have you tried Pediasure drinks, that way you will at least know that she is getting her daily nurtition. You might also try avocados, cheddar cheese(good calcium and fat) Also any type of nut is good, hard to tell with so many allergies though, but you could grind them and mix with something. Also Fish is proabably the highest, Even if you are giving her baked breaded fish sticks, still good, also any time you have a chance to use oils, olive oil on pasta etc. Eggs are go protein as well, oh and olives, those are supposed to be good. Sorry I am skipping around alot on here, just thinking of things off hand. Hope it helps =)

Posted by nepatuna
The best thing is to probably talk to your baby's pediatrician. but for the mean time maybe try a heavy carbohydrate diet.. with like rice, pasta, potato ect. maybe start with baby cereal in the morning, and for lunch and dinner brown rice, pasta chopped up small, or mashed potato. mash up with some ground beef and a mix of veg such as sweet potato, peas, squash, carrot ect. avocado is also very good, it contains fatty essentials. http://www.wholesomebabyfood.com/ is also a really good website which you might find helpful. best of luck. xx

Posted by NewMomma
Let me start by saying that if her doctor's aren't worried, you should really try not to be either. Easier said than done, I know, but seriously, to me a 21 lbs baby at 13 months sounds fine. My son is 30 months and he just barely is 25 lbs. We were one of those that the doctors were worried about his weight, he went from 75th percentile at birth to under the 5th percentile at one year, and we were told to go on a high fat diet. The doctors didn't exactly care what, it could be good and bad fats, it just needed to be as fattening as possible. They actually recommended going to McDonald's once a week for fries! I was never worried too much as my hubby is really skinny and I knew my son was just a much larger baby than he should have been. :)

Anyway, you asked for some healthy ideas, and here are some we did...

Whole fat everything. Don't switch to 2% milk or low fat yogurt. Keep everything at whole fat content. This is good for all babies until 2, and even now that my son is over 2, he's still on whole fat milk.

Speaking of milk -- limit your daughter's intake to 16 oz per day and then offer water (you might want to check with your doctor on the exact oz number - I think it was 16 oz - as that's the amount they need each day but any more can fill them up and takes away from more dense calories they can be eating. The doc said the same thing about the extra calorie drinks (pediasure) to us, that the kid would fill up on that and not eat the fattier foods he needed, so she did not recommend going on any extra drinks to us.

Sprinkle parm cheese on all veggies. Usually the heat from the veggies will melt it enough that you don't have to put it back in the micro. Add butter to it as well.

Avocado is good. If your child will eat slices, great, mine never did so I would mix equal parts of avocado and cream cheese, roll it into little balls, then roll the balls through crushed up cheerios. Perfect finger foods, mushy enough for beginning eaters yet easily picked up. Also guacamole was a favorite of my sons when he was younger. Just gave him small spoonfuls of it like I was feeding baby food.

High fat foods, mostly dairy, like whole fat yogurt, cottage cheese etc.

Sorry I can't write more but my little one just woke up... :)

Posted by northstar
who told you she was under weight?
I searched the internet and found this on all the sites
if a 15 month old should weigh 22 lbs then your
13 month old is doing quite well at 21 lbs.

How Much Should My Child Grow?
During this second year of life, your toddler may gain between 3 and 5 pounds (1.4 to 2.26 kilograms). An average 15-month-old girl weighs about 22 pounds (about 10 kilograms) and stands 31 inches (79 centimeters) tall. Boys tend to be about a pound heavier at 15 months but about the same height.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Learn basic information on kidney disease from the experts at Kidney Disease Info Blog.

Orignal From: What nutritious yet fatty foods can i give to my low-weight baby?pls help!!?

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