
What diseases can be cured by stem cells and how would the cells cure those specific diseases?

What diseases can be cured by stem cells and how would the cells cure those specific diseases?I need to know which diseases can be cured by Stem Cell treatment. I know that Parkinson's disease can be cured by this form of treatment but I need two other examples. I also need to know exactly how the cells will treat those specific diseases such as how the stem cells would target the motor cortex, causing a more sufficient amount of dopamine to be formed when treating Parkinson's disease.


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There are many hurdles before stem cell implantation can be a potential cure or treatment for Parkinson's disease. At this point skin cells have been used but the long term results are not in yet.

Other conditions with a cure potential include diabetes type 1 (juvenile diabetes), ALS, Huntington's disease, Becker Muscular dystrophy (BMD), Down Syndrome, adenpsone deaminase deficiency (ADA-SCID), Gaucher disease type III, Schechman-Bodian-Diamons syndromw (SBDS)

There is stem cell treatment for Crohn's disease.

Additional reading (I can't do all of your homework)

Proprietaty stem cells can prevent vision loss - retina protection:

You can also read this one about PD:

The 2nd part of your question can be searched in a normal fashion. If I find time, I'll check it too.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Learn basic information on kidney disease from the experts at Kidney Disease Info Blog.

Orignal From: What diseases can be cured by stem cells and how would the cells cure those specific diseases?

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