
Sudden (within 12hrs) onset of pain in my kidney diseased cat after receiving subcutaneous injection at Vet?

Sudden (within 12hrs) onset of pain in my kidney diseased cat after receiving subcutaneous injection at Vet?My cat is a kidney diseased cat, 16yrs old, very thin. I took her to get a subQ injection with Vitamin B12. The fluid worked its way down to her left leg last night, and now she wont put any weight on that leg. I felt her leg and it only hurts her from her elbow joint to her wrist. I searched for common side-effects being pain in the leg the fluid settles in with no luck.

Posted by BethJ
First kidney disease is very serious as you already know and your cat is aged. This could be any number of things and there could be a lot of causes. I would not play around but would call my vet IMMEDIATELY. Most vets have an emergency number.
Remember cats and dogs get sick quickly and can deteriorate very fast. If your vet does not have an emergency number check the phone book. This sounds a lot like gout, but the fact it happened after the injection concerns me and your best answer is the vet who knows your cat, or another doctor with experience in this.

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