My yorkie has been depressed for about a year and shakes until incontinence frequently, why?Tonight he urinated on the floor and it was dark pink (and not in celebration of Valentine's Day either...), I am going to take a sample of his urine to the vet tomorrow to rule out kidney disease or UTI. He is about 6 years old with no history of either. He eats Royal Canine's Yorkshire Terrier food (on this diet for over 3 years) so his breath always smells like fish. I was reading that foods high in protein may be bad for dogs with kidney problems, is this food bad? Are there any other explanations?
Posted by Susan M
I'm glad you're going to the vet. There are diseases found in certain breeds and your vet will know what this is. I hope it is easy to treat.
Posted by annie
see what the vet says that dog needs tlc and medical care
Posted by Claudy_Boi
I can put my money on this.. the dog is epileptic. Not uncommon in dogs. Im surprised it took you this long to decide to take the poor dog to the vet.
Posted by King TootinCommonSense
Bad breath is an indication of periodontal disease! It sounds to me like he might be suffering intense tooth pain. Get his teeth cleaned tomorrow!
Posted by Hazel
I fed a house cat friskies fish flavor, and he couldn't pee, his bladder became distended and the vet had to cath him. The vet said that was the worst food to feed him. After the second x he was unable to pee, the vet put him on a diet of food we bought in a can. He never had that problem again. And I found a cat that had seizures and lost control of his bladder,but you would witness this and be able to rule it out.
Orignal From: My yorkie has been depressed for about a year and shakes until incontinence frequently, why?
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