recommend a remedy/prevention for heart attack/stroke and a heart specialist in arizona.?my short story.....
maternal family history....diabetes, cancers of many sorts(young siblings n old relatives), glaucoma, weak kidney, extreme ecxema, n a few other things.
paternal history...possible digestion problems bc some have acne/skin problems. dad finally died of a heart attack, his sisters/siblings/cousins died of the same thing.
they were all young, dad was only 42.
my sister is 47 n has had congenital heart disease for years. she is in a wheelchair, on oxygen, n got a defibrillator implant last year.
over the last few years i have had off and on high blood pressure. it was minor and i did not always need medication. i have had small symptoms of heart trouble for about 10 years. it never prevented me from doing anything and no doctor gave me any medications. about 10 years ago i noticed shortness of breath w the stair climbing, so i lost weight to accomodate. i have an extremely small frame so i went from what looked like average to skinny. that helped a lot. i did not associate the shortness of breath w anything else. there were bouts w stress and i lived in a house that poisoned me w various pollutions. the gase hot water heater was never properly hooked up and the vents were never properly cleaned. i breathed that for almost 15 years before i figured it out. i am sure that had something to do w my deterioration.
early last year i had strange things like small tightness in the jaw joint from time to time and the throat closing like a suffication/choking. i had to concentrate to squeeze down air. i never knew how to quite explain that but the doctors dismissed it. once i was eating and suddenly could not swallow no matter how hard i concentrated.
last year i went to a heart specialist w pain in my left arm. the office was horrible. they depended solely on a stress test but they could nt get the wires hooked up right. plus some girl was in training and did not know what she was doing. the supervisor came in to help but she was no better. when the visit was over i was upset because they told me nothing was wrong. just come back next year. i tried to convince them otherwise but i did not do a good job. i did not think to go to another specialist. months went by. eventually i walked down my hallway and suddenly out of the blue felt nauseous then faint. i did not faint, but since i did not know what it was i was puzzled with the episode.
about june i started to have serious shortness of breath and problems w high blood pressure. my doctor left the country and i did not find a replacement. i had daily headaches n it seems that i had them so bad it could have been a small stroke. maybe i am paranoid, but something did go wrong. the doctors have no idea what i describe to them. i am gettting upset just thinking about it but no one took this seriously so i trusted them and thought i was in better shape than i really was.
with horrific stress, divorce, job problems, financial difficulty (the usual stress killers), etc. i find that i have symptoms that i have never encountered before. pressure/light tightness from head to toe on the left side. turned to burning on the left side. flushed cheeks. dull tingling/numbness of the lower face/tongue/lips, dizziness and uncontrolled hbp. the numbers range from the low 100's to 160+. before it was far over that. when all this started the numbers were only about 125 and i thought that was horrible. it changes from minute to minute even with a stronger medication. the dull pain in my arm moved up to near my armpit then it moved to the left side of my upper chest. i try to keep it as low as possible by drinking hot tea or soup. it drops a few points (ie: from 160 to 140) but i can not seem to keep it under 140. excercise does not seem to help. my heart pounds excessively and has done so for about 4 months. it does not matter if the pressure rate is down or not.
all i take is hbp medicine and vitamins one time each day. i saw a new heart specialist who is just having me wait for testing. while i wait, i made an appointment w a 3rd heart specialist. in the meantime i asked my existing doctor (2nd) what can be done n i was told to go the ER. no thanks. the bill used to be only 50.00 for ER but now the visits are now close to 1k with insurance. the health care system i am in told me that the doctors don't contract with them anymore. after insurance, i still have a large bill.
so here i am asking you what i can do to keep my hbp under control and to prevent a heart attack and stroke. i am about 50 years old, female, over 5feet 7inches tall, small/skinny frame and i could not take any more medical/financial trauma. i never smoked/drank or did drugs but i find myself taking tylenol every day for the headaches. i never like junk food. as a baby my favorite foods were vegetables. i dont eat a perfect diet becasue of the high food prices. my kitchen has poultry, canned leafy greens, canned beans, canned tuna, canned beets, rice, dried
Posted by luzerlarry1
Just enjoy life while you can. Dont worry so much and quit being a hypocondriac
Posted by SHARON B
Using google to find some related info or you could try using answer engines such as yahoo answer or to obtain some useful ideas.however,If you want some direct infomation,here is a nice one from my experience.
Orignal From: Kidney Disease: recommend a remedy/prevention for heart attack/stroke and a heart specialist in arizona.?
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