
Kidney Disease: I hate living with this it's so hard! Help!?

I hate living with this it's so hard! Help!?Hey people of Yahoo.
my cat was recently diagnosed with Chronic kidney disease and i'm at a loss. i'm 13 years old. i don't know how to cope with this. luckily, the disease was caught in it's early stages, but i just keep thinking about how she'll be (hopefully she'll live this long) years from now. it will hurt so bad to see that when (if) it happens, and i'm not sure i want to see that. it makes we wanna die for her (I will not die, i will live, i'm just saying) and i'm so worried. so does anyone know anything to help me (besides therapy)? Thank you, in advance.

Posted by BHMSroka!
im probably not much help but what i did when this happened with my cat is i tried to separate myself from her as much as i could. i know it sounds terrible but it did help. the less connected i felt to her, the easier it was to cope. it wont be easy, but just try and remember that everything must come to and end and that its for the best. i promise she will be in less pain. and remember that she still loves you.

Posted by Nick
Your basically dealing with something exactly like losing a loved one. Just hope for the best, and if the worst does happen, and I'm not saying it will, you need to accept that your cat is going to a better place, and through the course of this ordeal, don't be affraid to cry. Let it out, it just hurts more to keep it locked up.

I hope your cat makes it, and deepest regardes to your family. I couldn't imagine losing my cat.

Posted by Jenny S
I'm so sorry to hear about your kitty. Its obvious that you love her very much. For now she can be treated but there will come a day when it'll be time to let go. While she's still around, cuddle her a lot, make sure she knows you love her. Appreciate her in the time she has left.

There will come a day where you will have to say goodbye. It hurts, its really sad, you'll miss her terribly. At this time realize that when your kitty passes that she will no longer be in pain or sick any more. She'll go to heaven and wait for you to join her. Although your time is years and years away, there is no time in heaven, everything is now. She'll be waiting for you, probably taking a nap on some fluffy cloud. She will know how much you love her, too. Know that she loves you too. I really hope this helps you, my heart goes out to you.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments! Learn basic information on kidney disease from the experts at Kidney Disease Info Blog.

Orignal From: Kidney Disease: I hate living with this it's so hard! Help!?

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