How likely am I to develope a kidney stone when 3 members of my family have had them?My brother and sister have both had kidney stones and my paternal grandmother had kidney disease and had a kidney removed at age 30.
Posted by shdowops
Probably pretty likely given your family history.
But you can probably reduce that risk by being sure to drink enough water and maybe even cranberry juice.
Nothing is written in stone.
Except maybe the Ten Commandments. ;)
Posted by the_only_solorose
kidney stones have more to do with environment than they do with heredity. Stones can seem to run in families because they tend to eat and drink the same things. Your local water supply may be high in mineral content, you may drink a lot of milk, you may consume a lot of other sources high in mineral compounds and it is these things that cause a stone, that and not drinking adequate amounts of water to flush the system.
Recent studies have shown that Magnesium supplements can contribute to preventing calcium based kidney stones, and if you take a calcium supplement you should take calcium citrate, as calcium gluconate and calcium carbonate can and do contribute to stone formation.
Orignal From: Kidney Disease: How likely am I to develope a kidney stone when 3 members of my family have had them?
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