
Kidney Disease: diagnois of kidney disease thru urine sampling?

diagnois of kidney disease thru urine sampling?okay so i had this lab wheree i had 4 urine samples. and i had to determine which had diabetes mellitus, insipidus and brights disease.
we tested the urine sample with benedict solution, the pH of the urine, and mixing biuret reagent.
How would i be able to determine which samples are with what disease. Anything in paticular i am looking for?

Posted by Inder
I am not too certain about the pH part but everything else I can answer... In normal condiditons there should be no traces of proteins or any type of sugars in your urine as the former is too big to go through the basment membrane and enter the nephron while the latter should be actively transported out while in the proximal convoluted tubule. protein or sugar presence will signfy that there is problem in normal kidney function.... The bendeict solution is used for the dection of reducing sugars like glucose...it should turn to a red colour for a positive result. If this is the case it means that there is glucose present in the liver, usually an indication of diabetes mellitus or improper liver function (usually the former)

The biuret test tests for the dipeptide bonds...a violet colour indicates teh presences of proteins...in this case it would be brights disease... I'm not too sure about the pH one... but I do have a very educated guess. If you have diabetes insipidus...that means you are urinating more water than usual (a lot more) and do not have very concentrated urine. do a ph test and seew hich one is closest to nuetral ph (7) that would most likely be the diabetes insipidus sample... GL!

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