I Am Going To Undergo Dialysis Soon. What Am I Facing?I am a Type 2 diabetic with chronic kidney disease. I was told by my Doctor that I will have to undergo Dialysis. That scared me.
What will I expect when I have it done for the first time. Will it hurt? What will my life expectancy now be now that I will be on Dialysis? How often will I have it done? What life changes can I expect to make?
I am so scared, it's making me sick. I need answers as soon as possible. Thanks in advance for your input.
I am 41 years old, female, & have been diagnosed with Diabetes since late 1996.
Posted by john e russo md facm faafp
I am so sorry to hear this. I am always crushed when I tell a patient that they are a candidate for dialysis. Unfortunately - despite your angst - it is not possible to answer your question without additional information. Age? Gender? Duration of diabetes? Level of diabetic control? Medical regimen? Insulin? Creatinine clearance (which is not the same as serum creatinine)? If you provide such information I will try to offer a more thoughtful response. I am sorry to say that dialysis is not pleasant but I suspect that you already know that. The most typical type of dialysis is hemodialysis. First an aterial-venous anastamosis or shunt must be created. This is utilized for subsequent dialysis. Once the shunt is placed dialysis does not really hurt but individuals on dialysis often do not feel well and how well they feel varies in relation to the last day of dialysis. Dialysis is typically done several times a week but each individual is quite different. So far as life changes are concerned I would try not to let dialysis control your life. You do not need to make changes so much as your physicians need to be very careful in prescribing medications. You need to continue to monitor your glucose. And you should not take any over-the-counter medications or dietary or herbal supplements without consulting your nephrologist. Again - I am deeply grieved for your circumstance. If I may be of further assistance please let me know. I review medical records free of charge - johnerussomd@jhu.edu. I wish you the very best of health and in all things may God bless.
Posted by House825
I used to go to a clinic for dialysis. One thing I would suggest to you before you ever go on dialysis is that you arrange to visit the clinic beforehand, so that you will know what to expect. Of course you may choose another option besides dialysis in a clinic.
I had to have 2 surgeries beforehand, in order to create an access for the dialysis needles, because my first access did not "mature". However, don't assume that will happen to you.
I went on dialysis at age 45 (I had type 1 diabetes). I went 3 times a week, for about 4 hours a day. I was a pretty compliant patient and I did well on dialysis. I (mostly) stuck to the diet. (I had to avoid things like dark sodas, potatos, and tomatos, for examples). I personally did not have any fluid limits, but patients usually do. I never skipped dialysis sessions.
My main problem on dialysis was I was bored. Each chair has their own TV, but I don't love TV. Take a lot of things with you to do. Now is a good time to start a class in something that interests you, because you can study while on dialysis. I balanced checkbooks, read magazines, listened to books on CD. One thing I wished I had done more of was gotten to know the patients around me. Take a blanket with you, because you will get cold. If the needle insertion is painful, ask your dr. for a prescription or sample of a cream called EMLA; you put it on your access site before you go to dialysis and it numbs your arm. Don't wear good clothes because you might get blood on them.
It really won't be terrible, especially if you educate yourself, follow the doctor's orders, and it helps if you have a great dialysis staff. I know that I did.
I got in pretty good physical shape while I was on dialysis; I could walk 2 miles a day and ran up a small hill as part of my walk. You are fairly young, and I think you will do well. I hope you have the option of being evaluated for a transplant. II got a kidney and pancreas transplant in 2005 and all has been great since then. I have put some sites below
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