
Stage 2 Kidney Disease, 37year old. GFR 66, CREATININE 1.3. How concerned should I be?

Stage 2 Kidney Disease, 37year old. GFR 66, CREATININE 1.3. How concerned should I be?How concerened should I be? Can I live a long and healthy life? Will I need a Transplant? I have always believed you eat to live not live to eat. Now, what is good breakfast, lunch, dinner. What should I eat and what should I not eat?

Posted by S P
well what is your kidney function? A renal scan should be done to tell you what your kidneys are actually working at.

Posted by paul t
Creatine has been proven to be harmful to the liver and kidneys in a study I saw, so I'm not sure why you're taking that.

Posted by juno406
For stage 2, you are doing well for a GFR at 66 and Cr of 1.3.

If you have Diabetes / high blood pressure, the most important thing is to keep them under control by taking your meds and eating a low sodium/sugar diet.

Exercise is also important by keeping control of your weight and blood pressure.

Posted by Allison
Are you also diabetic? Diabetes & high blood pressure are the #1 and #2 causes of kidney failure. I cannot say if you would ever need a transplant.

1.3 is pretty good. Mine was actually about a 3 for 15 years before I ever needed dialysis.

Watch your blood pressure like a hawk. Hopefully you are on an ace inhibitor type drug (if you have high blood pressure). Watch the sodium, which involves a great deal more than table salt. Actually, for most people only 10% of their daily sodium comes from table salt. Foods that are high in sodium include:
most microwave & frozen food
most canned vegetables
lots of restaurant foods (but there's usually not a way to tell). Chinese & other oriental foods are very high in sodium

Ask the doctor if you could see a renal dietician. I was not on diet restrictions til I went on dialysis but every patient is treated differently..

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Orignal From: Stage 2 Kidney Disease, 37year old. GFR 66, CREATININE 1.3. How concerned should I be?

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