Does the Catholic Church approve of euthanasia for pets?In this instance it is my dog that will not survive kidney disease and all options to save the life have been futile. She is very weak and depressed and will not get any better with any treatment.
Posted by ericcartman15554
I think the catholic church does not reconize animals as having souls, that and the fact the bible condones killing for food and such so I don't think they would have a problem with it since the dog is in such agony.
Posted by obbedisca
Since an animal does not have an immortal soul, and we as man were called to subdue the Earth, we can kill animals for LEGITIMATE reasons. That means for food, self defense, or to put a suffering animal out of its misery. Since it is not efficacious for animals to endure sufferings patiently as it is for humans, there is no need to keep them alive in such circumstances.
Posted by John S
I believe the Catholic view on Animals is that they are "physical creatures" not "spiritual creatures"
Humans are both, we are spiritual beings with a physical nature (or body)
Animals do not have an immortal soul.. they have a soul/life force which is bound to this Earth.
Therefore, lacking an eternal soul which is worthy of salvation, they do not have the same rights to life as Humans do.
Putting down an animal which you can not financially afford to pay for medical treatment OR which has little prognosis of recovery is considered humane, not euthanasia.
To do the same for a human would be, because humans are spiritual beings that have eternal souls which are worthy of saving. -- different then animals.
Posted by Laughing Llama
Pets souls are here and now. They don't get a glorified body.
IMO, euthanasia for a pet is used to comfort the owner, and not the pet. We're taught that seeing suffering is bad. That the pet should escape this pain. However, with the humans in Africa dying, they seem to cheerish every breath, & pain they have ... so, I think the Vet's pushing euthanasia is just a way to stop us humans from suffering by witnessing our beloved pets from suffering.
My priest told me to follow my conscience when I had to put down my most beloved siamese kitty-cat. (tear). Best wishes in following your conscience for you beloved puppy.
Posted by misty0408
Yes. Animals, although created and loved by God, are not made in his image. They are not human beings.
Orignal From: Does the Catholic Church approve of euthanasia for pets?
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