
Kidney Failure?

Kidney Failure?I might know someone who has kidney Failure and there age is 69. Can u die from it? And what are the bad things that could happen?
They have diabetes and also could they I donate a kidney to them?

Posted by momof3
When a person has kidney failure, they can reach the point where their own kidneys can no longer function to remove enough of the body's waste products from the blood and convert it into urine. When that happens a patient can either begin having this done artificially by a dialysis machine or if the patient does not receive treatment and enough toxins build up in their blood they can die. Kidney failure does not always mean a person will die though, there are many treatments available for a person to continue to live a very full life.

Posted by mevlana
If they do dialysis or get a kidney transplant the person should be ok. You could donate a kidney if the doctors feel his health is okay for the surgery (and yours too) and if you are a tissue match (starts with blood type and goes from there into more detail). It is a very taxing surgery, even for the donor.

Posted by daniella
It really depends on what stage of kidney failure this person is. Most old people will have this disease because almost all of their organs are packing up including the kidneys. Kidney failure is alleviated with maintenance dialysis or kidney transplant.

If your grandparent have kidney failure and diabetes, a spontaneous pancreas and kidney transplant can be done. It also depends if your grandparent is suitable for transplant. If you want to donate an organ, you need to be tested first. You will have a full physical assessment including blood tests such as tissue typing.

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