
Kidney Disease: kidney failure diagnosis?

kidney failure diagnosis?My sweet lab mix was diagnosed with renal failure and was placed on a diet. My question is this: Is there somehting tjat can be done to extend my dogs life beyond the scope of traditional veternairy medicine and what should I look for when my dog is suffering too much. Thanks to al;l who answer with compassion.

Posted by rennickelizabe
oh i am so sorry about your dog i know how that feels my aunts dog died two weeks ago with the same thing all you can do is keep he on the diet and hope it works for a while they can put us humans on to dialys to keep our kidneys clean why cant they do ti for dogs to save their owners heartache i will think of you and your dog

Posted by bookish
I'm so sorry--my mini dachshund died of renal failure 5 years ago at the age of 7. Actually, they can do dialysis, but I did not think this was a good option--it seemed selfish to prolong a life that had no joy in it for her anymore. In the last hours before the vet could take her, she couldn't even drink. I was wetting her mouth with water on my fingers. There was no option but to have her put to sleep.
I wish you much luck and hope that your sweet doggie will be OK.

Posted by Gizmo
I would google for vets who work in the homeopathic realm within you commutable area.

Posted by dobiegang
I am so sorry to hear about your dog.
This site will give you a little info

Posted by Jonathan H
The dog food is more than likely the problem with artificial preservatives being one of the problems. www.greatlife4pets.com this is an excellent dog food for Dobermans or Rottweilers or any other dog .they have a good cat food too. You can call them for questions .If there are any diet modifications great life can help. The people at Rubicon are great group of people that offer excellent advice.

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