
how could a vet not diagnose a dog with acute kidney failure when they saw this dog every month for 1 1/2 year?

how could a vet not diagnose a dog with acute kidney failure when they saw this dog every month for 1 1/2 year?How can I take my dog to the vet every month for a year and a half and they didn't diagnose him with acute kidney failure until the day before he died.

Posted by mimi
cause vets don't know what they are doing! they pretend. its a guessing game to them, and then they take your money. by you going monthly they made more money, which is all vets care about.

Posted by ckm1956
Boy, the first answerer sure is carrying a grudge. Every vet I've ever used was good & cared for animals.

The key word is "acute". That means, simply put, "really sudden". The dog was fine at it's last visit, then a couple of weeks later, kidney failure.

Sorry for your loss.

Posted by CindyRVT
First, because "acute kidney failure" occurs suddenly. It's not something that came on over months or more. And secondly because renal failure isn't diagnosed simply on a physical exam--specific diagnostic blood testing is required to diagnose renal insufficiency/failure.

I'm very sorry for your loss.

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Orignal From: how could a vet not diagnose a dog with acute kidney failure when they saw this dog every month for 1 1/2 year?

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