about surgery,is the doctor at fault?in november,2008 a doctor removed a right ovarian cyst,then in june 2009 i had a hysterectomy(border line precancerous cells) i had an abdominal hysterectomy plus cyst on right ovary again a different doc did the surgery i had uterus and cervix removed plus cyst removed i asked before the surgery to have my ovary's removed-she did'nt do (but managed to cut my bladder twice by mistake due to scar tissue that she did not see and admitted it was partly her fault) in sept,2009 cyst on right and left ovary,she went to do band-aid surgery and when i woke she told me i had extensive adhesions and would need an open surgery(vertical cut) to safely remove the left ovary and adhesions so in november,2009 (this month) i had the OPEN surgery she recommended,i awoke and she tells me she removed right ovary and tube but she felt it was not safe enough to remove my left ovary and tube,i feel i had the major surgery for nothing,cuz the only reason i agreed to have this done so my left ovary and tube could be removed(safely) she the doc said my left ovary is barried under adhesions and she could not find it but she seen it a month ago threw the belly button,i say she should of just removed the ovary's during the hysterectomy(save on the complication's and i would not need anymore surgery's after that cuz i knew the cyst was coming back every 3 months after being broken(drained) or removed. i am at high risk for being put under,chronic kidney disease and high blood pressure. so i still have a left ovary with a cyst on it and covered in adhesions i am still in pain plus sore from this last surgery, so what do u think,was she ( the doctor) wrong or just stupid?
Posted by eloquent
before you consented to either surgery, the surgeon explained the risks & gave you the opportunity to ask questions. after this happened, you signed a consent form stating you understood everything that was discussed. if you still feel that you have a case of medical negligence, take your medical records to an attorney for legal advice.
Posted by Lisa A
Why would you let this person operate on you a 2nd time, let alone a 3rd???
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