
How to prevent Kidney stones with diet?

How to prevent Kidney stones with diet?

Drink alot of water and forget about sodasDrink cranberry juice (100% real, NOT the cocktail) and a lot of waterdrink lots and lots of water :Deat foods low in sodium and drink light sodas if you are going to drink soda at all and push alot of water at least 8 glasses of water a day!
Good Luck!

Had 2 surgeries for kidney stones!Tell hubby to cut out the soda and also it appears that a high intake of dairy products contributes.
Water and drinks like Cranberry juice can help.

I get them occasionally, myself, though not bad enough to need surgery. I just have trouble avoiding the soda and drinking water.cranberry juice is great for kidneys... can even stop kidney and bladder infections - drink regularly!The leading cause of kidney stones is too much salt in your diet.

Cut the salt. Drink acid juice drinks.I had to have a stone lasered too. It sucked a LOT. But acidic juices (orange and especially cranberry) help, as well as cutting back on cheese and fatty foods. It depends a lot on what kind of stone it is though, so I would consult with the docs doing the surgery before making any major dietary changes. Mine was calcium based, so the above techniques have worked for me for the 3 years since my surgery. Good luck!He needs to drink lots of water. Kidney stones are usually formed when the person doesn't drink enough water allowing the minerals to collect in the kidneys and form stones.

Cut down on the sodas to maybe 1 a day and make sure he drinks about 8 glasses of water througout the day. This will help to flush those minerals out.This is what I found on the causes of kidney stones.

Too little fluid intake
Chronic urinary tract infections
Misuse of certain medications
Urinary tract blockage
Limited activity for several weeks
Certain genetic and metabolic diseases.

Yes, treatments that can prevent kidney stones from forming are possible in many cases. Strong evidence suggests that a high fluid intake may decrease the risk of stones. In addition, once the cause of the stone is found, medications or changes in diet may be used to help prevent new stones. The type of medication used is based on blood and urine tests.

Are all kidney stones the same?
No. The most common types of kidney stones are made from calcium and oxalate. Individual treatment for kidney stones depends on the types of kidney stones that are formed.

Is there a diet I can follow to prevent me from having more kidney stones?
Sometimes following a special diet may be enough to prevent you from forming more kidney stones. Other times, diet and medications may be needed.

What kind of diet will I have to follow?
You may be asked to make changes to the amount of salt, calcium, oxalate, protein, potassium and fluid in your diet. A registered dietitian can help you with making these changes.

I had a calcium stone. What type of diet should I follow? Will I have to avoid high calcium foods?
If you have had a calcium stone, your doctor may ask you to cut back on the salt and sodium in your diet. Extra sodium causes you to lose more calcium in your urine, putting you at risk for developing another stone. Your doctor will probably advise you to limit your sodium to 2,000 to 3,000 milligrams a day. Your dietitian can help you make sodium changes in your diet.

You may not need to avoid excessive (too much) calcium in your diet. It is important that you learn from your doctor and dietitian the right balance of calcium you should eat. Following a diet low in calcium for a long period of time can lead to a loss of bone mass, or osteoporosis.

A registered dietitian or doctor can help determine if you need more or less calcium and help with the sodium changes in your diet.
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The kidneys are vital organs that process blood, sifting out extra water and waste. Kidneys function as your body's filtration system, so it is vital to keep them in good health. The two most common causes of kidney diseases are hypertension and diabetes, medical conditions that may be regulated or prevented having a healthy diet. Adjusting one's diet for kidney health is a preventive measure which will help you maintain kidney function.

An overall healthy diet and lifestyle is in many ways the important thing to maintaining healthy kidneys. Getting regular exercise, keeping your weight and blood pressure down through a beneficial diet and ceasing smoking are necessary elements to avoiding chronic kidney disease.

Here is my references :

1. Water

The primary function of the kidneys is to filter toxins from your blood and siphon them into your urine for removal. To get this done, they require a stable input of water. Simply put, if you do not drink enough water, your kidneys can't do their job and will become unhealthy. Kidney stones and chronic kidney disease can all derive from insufficient water intake.

Drink a minimum of eight 8-oz. servings of water every day to keep healthy kidneys, and increase the if you are a particularly active person. Some fruits and vegetables---including watermelon, cucumber, zucchini and tomatoes---are more than 90 percent water, so eat plenty to optimize hydration.

2. Protein

Most Americans consume far more protein than they require, most of it in the type of meat. Eating excess protein stresses your kidneys, and may lead to impaired kidney function.

Replace most of the meat in your diet with increased vegetables and whole grain products which means that your kidneys can focus on eliminating toxins out of your blood. Additionally, the switch from meat to plant foods can help you lose weight and lower your blood pressure, two prime risk factors for chronic kidney disease.

3. Cholesterol

High levels of Cholestrerol levels can harden your arteries including those in the kidneys, with plaque, resulting in reduced kidney function as well as an increased chance of stroke and cardiac arrest.

To keep your cholesterol level down as well as your kidney health up, keep fatty meats and dairy low. Eat lean meats and nonfat milk products, and generally increase the amount of fruit, vegetables, and whole grain products inside your diet.

4. Sodium

Excess sodium intake is among the single greatest causes of hypertension, which is really a major cause of kidney problems. While you will find often genetic and other factors, try to take control of your blood pressure by consuming 1,500mg a day---less than half of what are the average American consumes. And watch those labels for sodium in condiments and eager foods, most of which may surprise you by their high sodium content.

Also, because much of that extra salt typically hides in processed foods from the supermarket and in restaurant meals, prepare much of your meals in your own home, using herbs and spices instead of salt for flavor.

5. Glucose

Diabetics are in a particularly high risk for kidney health problems, as unregulated glucose acts as a poison in the kidneys. Because diabetes can be cultivated at any time in a person's life, and may go undetected for years, keep the blood-sugar levels in your mind when it comes to your diet.

Avoid heavily sweetened goods and delicate sugars, which cause glucose levels to spike dramatically, posing a threat to the kidneys. In addition, drinks rich in sweetener content such as soda are strongly linked with obesity, a risk factor for kidney health problems.

6. Smoking

Add kidney health problems towards the listing of smoking's dangers. Smoking increases the risk of developing chronic kidney disease, partly through its tendency to raise blood pressure level. Quitting smoking---or not starting in the first place---is an important part of keeping your kidneys healthy.

Now, let

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