Why did both my cats die? But on different days? Im so sad !!?Ok i had 2 cats a 2 year old [human years] and a [8 month old] the 2 year old named Yoshi had gotten all his shots and he was neutered but he was overweight other than that he looked healthy
& my 8 month old cat named Ashes didnt have her shots and she wasnt spayed so she was the one that had a bigger possibility of getting sick =[ she has gone out once in a while. One day we found her sick my mom gave her medicine the next day she looked better but Yoshi looked sick he is a male and he had all his shots he was healthier than my other cat but Yoshi died first but he didnt get sick first so wtf? And its so sad because i saw him suffer he died last week saturday at 1 in the morning he would throw up and wouldnt eat so he basically threw up water or stomache acid my mom would give him medicine but it didnt work on him so he would keep throwing up and his pee didnt smell its like as if it were pure water we did take him to the vet and they said he had a possibility of having kidney disease but the doctor said he was too young for that we felt his tummy and we felt like a ball so ni guess he did have kidney disease but how did he get it? Ashes was sick before him but he died earlier than her. The after he passed we took him to go get cremated and we got his ashes back then a week later Ashes is sicker than ever she can berly walk she doesnt eat she is super skinny you can see/feel her bones is she depressed or sick also? Then yesterday we left somewhere and we dont know what happend to her we came back she was gone we dont know if she left or if she died somewhere we searched all over the house and couldnt find her so we gave up and now believe she is dead but she could berly walk so if she left yesterday in the rain sick and couldnt walk then i guess she probaly died ! =[ but is it true that cats know when they are going to die so they hide somewhwre to die? The SADDEST part of Yoshi is that i got to see him suffer and im only 12 yaesr old. At night he would cry in pain LOUD he would try to walk he couldnt he would fall he couldnt even stand up so my sister said hes too sick i dont wanna see him suffer like this anymore lets take him to get euthenised and on the way he died in my moms arms before he died he would stretch his arms like he couldnt breathe or like his heart stopped then he died ='[ i cried and cried it was so devastating and Ashes is gone! why why why>??? is she safe? will she come back? she was gone alll day yesterday and today im so sad =[ i even prayed for them but i guess their time has come ='[ ='[ ='[
what do you think caused their death her are their symptoms
• vomiting ALOT
• no eating
• pee didnt smell
• crying in pain
• sleeping all day
• his pain lookd like it came from his tummy
• could berly walk
• Didnt eat
• vomiting 2 or 3 times
•super skinny
• tired
• could berly walk
so what could have caused their deaths?????
I miss them so much !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ='[
i will always ♥ them and keep them in my heart forever and always
Posted by Cat
OMG That is so sad. Sorry i dont know
Posted by emirie
they probably got some kind of cat virus or feline leukemia. when something like that happens, there is nothing you can do but wait for them to die and keep them away from any other cat so it doesn't spread.
Posted by Jason T
maybe you should had took them to the vets if ur cats were having health problems
Posted by katherin
oh soo sad.... sorry i dont know ... you could ask doctor......doctor can probably help you....
Posted by Mmmhmm
They might have had a UTI, but I doubt this would have killed them. However,
My male cat was sick last summer, and I just thought he was getting skinnier, so this fall he was in my room and started throwing up everything and eventually blood, So I got scared and called the vet and made him an appointment, It turned out he had some parasites or bacteria things in his stomach, (more than the doctor had seen in 6 years) and it was making him sick from drinking out of the creek water which had beaver bacteria in it. I dont know if this was it or not,
Orignal From: Why did both my cats die? But on different days? Im so sad !!?
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