What's wrong with me?For the past few years I have been sniffing and even coughing constantly. I sometimes have nosebleeds from sniffing and also ear infections from sniffing as well. I have so much mucus built up in me right now it's so hard to breath. I have shortness of breath and sometimes feel like I am going to die.
I also have a very bad bladder, everytime I eat something it "goes right through me" and I don't know why. I try so hard to keep things down.
I don't know but do you think I got Cystic Fibrosis which is a deadly mucus disease? Also may I have a kidney or bladder infection as well? I need sites as well please and thank-you.
Posted by xo379
I seriously doubt you have CF--symptoms usually emerge during infancy and childhood, and most people with CF die in their 20s and 30s (so you would be on your way to death right now.)
A deviated septum would explain the shortness of breath, the nasal congestion, AND the nosebleeds. (http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/deviated-septum/ds00977/dsection=symptoms)
I don't know what the bad bladder is from, but I think it's probably a separate issue.
A bladder infection isn't just when things 'go right through you.' A bladder infection (also known as a Urinary Tract Infection, or UTI) is pretty recognizable: very strong, constant urge to urinate; sharp pain or burning durin urination; inability to fully empty bladder; possible blood in urine; soreness in lower abdomen, back, or sides. Also, a UTI usually gets worse and worse--usually in the space of a couple weeks--so if this is something you've had for a long time, I doubt it's a UTI. And same goes with a kidney infeciton.
Posted by Life is good!
Dude, if this has been going on for a few years it's time to see a doctor. Only they can know for sure. Get well soon!
Orignal From: What's wrong with me?
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