
what is a site that i can go to learn detailed pictures and information about a kidney disease that is?

what is a site that i can go to learn detailed pictures and information about a kidney disease that is?nephrotic syndrome? and ways to maybe try to learn cures for this and what can make it better or worse. thanks much.

Posted by John P
All the docs use it, google images


Posted by n4l
I don't know if there is a cure, per se. Nephrotic syndrome can be temporary, depending on the cause, which will ultimately determine if anything can be done about it.

I usually go to Wikipedia for these things and then use the external links at the bottom to surf around.

Posted by shay_pcb
I am a kidney dialysis patient, and I started a website just for learning about kidney disease and dialysis. :) If you read through our forums, I'm sure you will find a lot of useful information.

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