what could cause kidney disease in a cat?my brothers cat found a bump in his skin and brought him to the vet. the vet said it was fat buildup and they would call him back when the blood tests were done. well they called and said our cat might have kidney disease. the cat is 8 years old going on 9 and has had an experience with fleas last year. what could have caused this? i have another cat who lives with this cat, the other cat is only 4 but should i get him checked out too?
Posted by Dr. House
Possibly a brain eating cancer disease
Posted by MysticCat
Chronic renal failure occurs where there is long-standing, irreversible damage to the kidneys that impairs their ability to Alter and remove waste products from the blood. In most cases where chronic renal failure is diagnosed, the exact cause of the disease is unknown. Samples taken from the affected kidney (biopsies) often show considerable amounts of fibrous tissue replacing the normal kidney tissue, often with some inflammation (so called 'chronic interstitial nephritis'). These changes are common to a number of diseases. There are, however, some well-recognised causes of chronic renal failure, and these include
• Polycystic kidney disease (an inherited condition seen mainly in Persian and Exotic cats where normal kidney tissue is gradually replaced by multiple fluid filled cysts that develop within the kidneys).
• Kidney tumours – for example lymphoma (a solid tumour of white blood cells) can affect the kidneys and cause renal failure.
• Infections – bacterial infection of the kidneys ('pyelonephritis') may occur as an extension of bladder infections and can lead to sufficient damage of the kidneys to cause renal failure.
• Other causes - eg, damage to the kidneys by toxins, defects in the development of the kidneys at birth, persistent inflammation such as glomerulonephritis.
In most cases a specific cause cannot be found for renal failure, and treatment is aimed at management of the disease. Where an underlying cause can be diagnosed, and if this is treatable, there may be the potential to halt progression of the disease.
Posted by Chalice
Kidney disease can have many causes - a virus, a congenital predisposition, diet, trauma. Going on 9 is at least middle aged for a cat, unfortunately this disease is not that uncommon.
Your vet is the best person to tell you about possible causes for this, and of course treatment options. Kidney disease is not contagious, your other cat won't 'catch' it from him. Also the fleas will not have anything to do with it.
Have a good long discussion with your vet, they're the best to answer your questions and advise you.
Posted by TheWhiteWitch
generally it is from their teeth, my oldest cat was 19 years old when she passed, Some of the food will cause this I cook for all my animals, as I am afraid of the food warnings. be careful and good luck
Posted by Genevieve
I don't know about fleas but some cats immune systems just aren't that strong. Kidney disease could have come from diet or getting into something that would poison him.
It's odd that you mention this because I just found a golf ball sized lump on my 5 year old cat- on his side. Taking kitty to Dr. is a good idea.
Orignal From: what could cause kidney disease in a cat?
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